Learn to Live Conference 

The Learn to Live Conference was organized by Dr. Karladine Graves and was held in Kansas City on 9/23/23. It was a wonderful day full of worship, prayer and lots of learning about education options, healthcare, 5G and Jodi spoke on MO legislation.  I'll add individual presentation videos below as they become available.
Links & Resources
Jodi's Globalism in Missouri Presentation

The U.S. & The W.H.O.

Dr. Graves' slide presentation is below.  The last slide has a list of tests she recommends you run in order to give yourself some understanding of what might be the root of your issues if you might have long hauler Covid symptoms or shot side effects.

Pharmaceutical Options

Dr. Graves shared a few resources FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY and for those who are seeking supplements and medications prescribed by a physician.
This is NOT a recommendation or should it be seen as medical care.  Please consult your physician in all matters.  Use prescription meds ONLY at the direction of a physician.

Chlorine Dioxide

Dr. Lee Merritt spoke on the potential benefits of chlorine dioxide.   She shared that she has not gotten sick at all since starting the routine.  Dr. Graves also takes it herself daily. 

Below is a PDF with information on how to get started, taken from Dr. Merritt's website.

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Public School Exit

Dran Reese spoke on the education system and shared information from her organization, Public School Exit.  You can view her presentation below.

Micro Schools

David Hazell spoke on private and micro schools here in Missouri.  I was surprised to learn that private school laws are even more lenient than Missouri homeschool laws.  
This is one area I'd love to see our organization work in.  Missouri families are really desperate for education options.  Wouldn't it be incredible to offer Sword & Trowel micro schools!   We'll see what God says and does - but please be praying into that when He brings it to your mind!

Medical & Healthcare Resources

Dr. Graves was joined by two other Kansas City physicians who have exited their practices within the medical industrial complex.  Dr. Gaylan Perry and Dr. Dana Granberg have both been practicing medicine for decades and have left the mainstream medical system due to its lack of integrity.

Dr. Granberg has opened a member based clinic called The Happy Camper Doctor and they are taking new patients.  They work with holistic and allopathic methods for the benefit of their patients.

Dr. Bryan Ardis

Dr. Bryan Ardis was the keynote speaker and brought an incredible amount of information. 

Effects of 5G

David Hazell spoke on private and micro schools here in Missouri.  I was surprised to learn that private school laws are even more lenient than Missouri homeschool laws.  
This is one area I'd love to see our organization work in.  Missouri families are really desperate for education options.  Wouldn't it be incredible to offer Sword & Trowel micro schools!   We'll see what God says and does - but please be praying into that when He brings it to your mind!

More Links & Resources