Globalism in Missouri

Globalism in Missouri

giant omnibus bills carrying giant problems

This is a presentation we shared across Missouri several times over interim, between May of '23 and January of '24 when the new legislative session began.  It's an overview of several problems we've got here in Missouri inside our legislature.  These problems have led to an open door to policies that promote globalism and a Missouri-last philosophy.

My hope is that you'll watch, even if you need to watch in smaller sessions, so that you are more knowledgable and more empowered to use your voice both with your elected officials and in your social network.  Citizens deserve to know the truth and they need to know why things aren't happening here in Missouri  like we would expect they would be with a supermajority of republicans in office.

major problems In a nutshell

1.  The rules are set up to empower 4 individuals and create a pay-to-play system.  The rules can be changed.  We need legislators who will have courage enough to do it.

2.  Unconstitutional, omnibus bills are the majority of what is passing.  Your legislator needs to vote NO on multi-subject bills that are not aligned with the original intent of the bill AND/OR if they haven't read the bill.   

3.  Policy that pushes centralization & standardization across our systems through inventorying, monitoring and controlling resources and/or human activity is a problem and those bills need to be stopped in their tracks.

I'll be recording more educational content on the bills that are moving through the legislature now, making their way to the chamber floors for debate.  

It's time to stand up & speak up!

Upcoming Events at the Capitol

Upcoming Events at the Capitol

We are hosting monthly worship

God began to speak to me in the spring of 2023 to "gather the Believers."   Repeatedly, I heard Holy Spirit whisper those words to me throughout the spring and summer.   As a result, we are gathering Christ followers in Missouri every month at the Capitol for worship & prayer and we LOVE it!

If you feel led to engage in the spiritual AND the political battles on this government mountain in Missouri - these worship events are for you!

Our first worship session was in January and it was an incredible blessing!   We worshipped, prayed over legislators who joined us and shared encouragement from the Word as well.  In February, we are doing the same and hoping we'll have even more legislators stop by and join us.

We'll do it again in March, so if you can't make it this week for our February worship I hope you'll plan to be here in March.

If you'd like to get info about what to expect, parking, food and updated information about the event, please let me know you're planning on coming & I'll be sure to email or text if there are any last minute changes.


co-hosting take back missouri rallies 

Several grassroots organizations worked together to host a rally this past week and it was a huge success!   There were several reaching out hoping for another one, so we decided to go ahead and just plan one every month in order to give more people the opportunity to come participate.  There's no shortage of issues and there's ALWAYS a place you can use your voice for the sake of liberty, so check your calendar!  

If you don't feel led to come worship, but you'd like to focus on the political battle vs the spiritual one - you'll want to sign up for these.  I'll be adding each rally as the details come together.  February's rally will be Monday, February 12th in the rotunda.  

Again, if you'd like more details about parking, food, etc. and if you want to get texts or emails about any last minute changes, be sure to let me know you're coming!

Senate Leadership Needs to Go

Senate Leadership Needs to Go

3 reasons Cindy o'laughlin needs to step down 

1.  She doesn't want you to know or be involved with what's happening in Jefferson City
In a private meeting with me over interim, she told me the citizens of Missouri need to stay home and run for school board if they want to be involved in government.   She doesn't want you to know or understand the process.  She wants to be left alone to do what she wants.   It was enlightening to hear her heart in regard to the citizens she's been elected to represent.  

2.  Speak up & use strategy she doesn't approve of = you're a narcissist and a terrorist.
Completely unprofessional behavior and name calling isn't ideal, but I can understand that sometimes frustrations rise and mistakes are made in our choice of words.  I'm thankful for grace in this area and have to utilize it far more often than I'd like.     But using the term terrorist in our culture today is not acceptable. 

Take a listen to a couple of audio clips of the senate floor with Senator O'laughlin and Senator Eigel.  You can find this conversation archived on the senate website on 1/18/24.

3.  Trash talking sessions with the press.
Here's the video of the meeting she had with journalists while Senator Rowden was referring bills on Thursday, 1/25/24.  When asked for an inquiry by Senator Eigel, she refused to go.  The Sargent at Arms had to come three times before she left her stage here with the press.   This is the polar opposite of what Missouri needs in leadership.

When she returned to the floor, she told Senator Eigel that she had not called for his expulsion but that she would, indeed, vote for it if given the opportunity.  You can listen to the senate audio of that exchange on the Senate website.  Go to the 1:43:00 mark.

The Freedom Caucus Stands & The Pelosi Caucus Adjourns

The Freedom Caucus Stands & The Pelosi Caucus Adjourns

Eyes to see

I hope you've seen over time that I do my best to share truth as I see and experience it.  The truth is, imho, that every legislator we have is a real human being and that means a mixture of wonderful attributes as well as those things that are being "refined."  And make no mistake, God is refining us all and most days I feel like He's especially refining those of us who have been called to this government mountain.

If you or I were elected to these positions, we'd find ourselves in a world unlike any other we'd experienced before and faced with challenges at a level that would stretch and bend us in ways no one could expect.  We'd all make mistakes, missteps and find ourselves regretting a vote now and then or wishing we'd done something differently.

I say that to reiterate that even when things happen I may not like or that would be perceived as negative, I'm especially trying to remember to see individuals in a way that reminds me they are first and foremost a creation of the Most High.  Daily, sometimes hourly, I try to remember to pray for eyes to see what He sees and to walk in a manner that would bring honor to the One who called me to this place.  But it isn't an "easy" place to be.

Confronting truth isn't always easy.  But it is the truth that He says will set us free.

Love doesn't always feel like skipping through the tulips or dancing under the stars.  Love sometimes looks like a deep dive into hard places to work on righting wrongs and setting things in right standing with the Lord.  Facing problems isn't easy.

Fighting for freedom over tyranny isn't an fight that leaves one feeling as thought they've been to a spa.  It often leaves you exhausted and on your knees begging for wisdom and discernment, praying and asking for clarity of what to say and how to say it, so that God can be glorified while we fight.  

Unfortunately, tyranny is exactly what is happening in our Missouri legislature.   Yesterday, it showed its ugly head on the Senate floor.


Senator Rick Brattin is the Senator from Cass.  He stands at around the 20:40 mark and makes his motion to move to 2nd reading of SJR 28.

Senator Bill Eigel is Senator from the 23rd.  He is the sponsor of the IP bill, SJR 83.

Senator Cindy O'Laughlin is Senator from Shelby and is the Majority Floor Leader, who adjourns.

Senator Mike Moon is Senator from Lawrence and can be heard after the motion to adjourn shouting in the background to be recognized, which he never was.

what can you do?

1.  Call your Senator and ask him/her to vote to support the effort to go to Committee of the Whole & take up the Initiative Petition legislation.

2.  Look up your senator contact information here:  Legislator Look up Tool

Pelosi Style Legislation Needs to Stop!

Pelosi Style Legislation Needs to Stop!

change the rules & read the bills!

If you read the blog on Jan 5th or if you've listened to today's Arise & Build podcast, you know that we've got a Pelosi-style leadership in our Missouri legislature.  

The MISSOURI FREEDOM CAUCUS through Senator Bill Eigel, has proposed a senate rule change that would help ensure our legislature has time to actually read the bills they are voting on!

Here's a screenshot from the senate journal last Thursday,

But guess what??  

our senate leadership is not in agreement to allow this window of time!

The Majority Floor Leader in the Senate, Cindy O'Laughlin, has the responsibility of determining what comes to the Senate floor.  It's a position of great power and has a direct effect on Missouri citizens, our freedoms and way of life.

On Thursday, January 4th, Senator Bill Eigel, who is a member of the new Missouri Freedom Caucus, proposed a rule change that would require a window of 2 legislative days to be given for the purpose of allowing time to READ. THE. BILLS.

But our Majority Floor Leader is refusing to allow the rule change to be brought to a vote and has advised the republicans to vote no if she is forced to bring it forth.

do you want our legislators to read the bills they pass?

That's not happening much right now.  

They are passing HUGE omnibus, multi-subject bills that are unconstitutional to begin with.

They are passing such kitchen sink bills that the democrats & republicans are all voting together as a block.  Everyone has a piece of language in it they want or need, so they vote yes on all of it to get their own pork & lobbyists sludge across the line.

For Perspective

In 2023...
  • 39 of 40 regular bills they passed were voted on in the last 2 weeks of session
  • 17 were unconstitutional omnibus bills
  • 80% of the time, the democrats & republicans all voted together

Last year, almost every single bill that passed was shoved through in the last 2 weeks and amended into omnibus Christmas tree bills that were brought to the floor as senate substitutes at the last minute.

When a few good senators stood up to ask questions about them, they were told by their Majority Floor Leader, Cindy O'Laughlin, to sit down, shut up and vote!   She is forcing them to VOTE ON HUGE BILLS THEY HAVEN'T READ!

Unfortunately for us, they mostly obeyed her and voted when they should've continued to stand.  It resulted in the voting chart you see below where they are all voting in unison because their favorite lobbyist friends & contributors have language included or their pork projects are delivered in those bills.    MAYBE there is one or two decent policy changes included, too, but they really wouldn't know for sure because NO. ONE. READS. THE. BILLS!

And this is the way the lobby core & our republican leadership wants it!

use your voice & take action

It's time to call them on their behavior and demand better!  The government was created BY the PEOPLE & FOR the PEOPLE.  

We are hoping to see a vote tomorrow, January 10th.  Please let them know today that you want them to READ the bills!

1.  Call and email Majority Floor Leader, Cindy O'Laughlin and let her know that you want to see that rule change to Rule 64, offered by Senator Eigel, to come to the floor for a vote.   

Email:    Phone: 573.751.7985

2.  Call your senator & as many others as you are able.  Request a yes vote on the change for Rule 64 if given the opportunity.  You can find senator contact information on each member page on the senate website or download the PDF below.  We suggest printing the PDF and keeping it for future use.

2023 Final Senate Votes on Bills Truly Agreed Upon & Passed

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