November Ballot Measures

November Ballot Measures

5 amendments & 1 proposition
Amendments change the Missouri Constitution.  Remember that.

They don't add statute to our books.  They change the state CONSTITUTION.

The constitution should be the foundation, the bedrock, the framework for our statutes to build on.  It should be a document that stands the test of time, that applies to the entire state and that is protected - not changed with the flinging of a few million dollars to pay out-of-state workers standing in front of our grocery store doors collecting signatures.

And yet, that is what happens.   The money buys the signatures and the signatures buy a spot on the ballot for voters to pass or fail.  

No committee hearings.  
No involvement of the people until election day.  
No involvement of lawmakers that you elected to vet public policy.  
No vetting whatsoever.

Just signatures gathered from young kids from places like New Jersey,  making $30/hr & misleading every person they talk to about what is actually happening. 

you need to know what you're voting on

Now that the signatures have been gathered - it's your responsibility to know what you're voting on.  Your vote now is the same as any legislators vote at the Capitol and even more important - because your vote will change the very foundation of Missouri's statutory framework.   

You can find the ballot language and the full text of each ballot measure on the Secretary of State's website.  You'll also find it on my home page.

You're here - that's a good sign.  Please keep reading and then share the information with every voter you know.  

No action = consent.   Remember that, too.


This one legalizes and allows the Missouri Gaming Commission to regulate sports betting.  
  • Online, gambling boats, sports gambling districts
  • Must be 21 and physically located in Missouri
  • 10% tax on winnings & additional fees assessed
  • State legislature can regulate

UPDATE:  As of the evening of 9/6/24, a Cole County judge has ruled that A3 is not suitable for the ballot and it should not have been certified.  Opposition has until Tuesday, September 10th to appeal.  Should the decision stand, A3 will NOT be on the ballot in November.   I'll update the blog as events unfold.

This is the amendment most people are referring to as the abortion amendment.  That reference is manipulative and misleading.  This amendment pertains to ALL matters related to reproductive health freedom.

ALL matters pertaining to reproductive rights include anything pertaining to gender transition, regular Ob/Gyn care, IVF, cloning, etc etc.

PLEASE subscribe to the blog so you don't miss the next series because we are going to dive deep into this one.  You can find more resources on my home page.  Check it out and scroll down.  You'll find links, downloads and the replay of a weekly webinar I'm hosting.  If you'd like to participate next week, you can register there for free.


This amendment would legalize gambling boats at Lake of the Ozarks.  That local community has clearly expressed their disapproval of this, but now it is on a statewide ballot for everyone to vote on.   

This is highly inappropriate for the constitution.  Even if you approve of a gambling boat at the lake - it does not belong in our CONSTITUTION.

Again, this is very inappropriate language for our constitution.  I agree we need to ensure funding for these positions but it is NOT appropriate material for the constitution.  It belongs in state statute.


This amendment contains 3 issues that all pertain to voting.

1.  ONLY U.S. citizens would be allowed to vote.  This language is already in our state statutes but it is slightly different in the constitution and they need to align.  Currently it says that "U.S. citizens and vote" but it doesn't say who cannot vote.  This language is the same in other states where they are now seeing illegal immigrants voting in local elections.  We want to protect Missouri fully from that possibility.

2.  Bans rank choice voting (RCV).  RCV is a long, arduous way of voting & counting votes.  Stay tuned.  If I can fit it in I'll record a podcast focusing on rank choice voting.  Suffice it to say that it is BAD.  It leaves an incredible amount of room for foul play in the process.

3. Would REQUIRE the plurality winner of the party primary to be the only candidate for that party in the general election.  This is the way it is now, but passing this would mean that couldn't change.  I don't love this point because I'd like to see us pass runoff elections under certain circumstances.  This would prevent that from happening.  

This amendment deserves its own blog & podcast.  Be sure to subscribe so you don't miss it!


The proposition is not a change in our constitution, but in our statutes.  That is where it belongs, but raising minimum wage is going to be harmful to our already broken economy.

Raising minimum wage will be extremely harmful to our small businesses.  The government needs to stop intruding in wages and allow the market to be free.  VOTE NO.

more to come

This is the first article in a series where we will dive deep into Amendment 3 and Amendment 7.   Be sure to subscribe so you don't miss them!

It's IMPERATIVE that we have educated voters showing up to the polls.  Please take time before November 5th to do your due diligence and understand what you are voting on.  Then, share that information and the resources with your family & friends!

The Truth Revealed on the Senate Floor

Today's blog contains show notes related to Episode 57 of Arise & Build.  Episode 56 is more information about SJR 74 that may be helpful.

senator coleman withdraws

In a very unexpected move, Senator Mary Elizabeth Coleman withdrew SJR 74 from the senate floor yesterday which prevented it from coming to a floor vote.  The democrat filibuster was nearly stopped by a move for PQ (Previous Question), which would have forced the floor to a pass or fail vote.  It's obvious Coleman wanted to avoid that as did several other republican senators.  

Out of 24 republican senators and only 9 democrat senators, there aren't 18 willing to take a stand and vote yes to protect Missouri's constitution and even provide a slim possibility that a higher threshold would apply to the HEINOUS abortion petitions that are likely to be on the ballot in Missouri this year.

Check out the vote below.  Every senator who voted yes needs to be held accountable.  These yes votes send SJR 74 to conference committee, the members of which are chosen by senate and house leadership.  That's not usually a good thing for conservatives.  

Senator Bean - Running for re-election 
Senator Bernskoetter - Two more years in the senate then he's expected to run for a Cole County office.
Senator Cierpiot - Terming out in the senate and expected to get an appointment to a commission.
Senator Coleman - Running for Secretary of State and has 2 more years of her first senate term to fulfill.  
Senator Crawford - Fulfilling her 2nd and final term in the senate.  She'll be in the senate two more years.
Senator Eslinger - Has been appointed by Parson as Commissioner of Education starting in July.  She'll now run the Dept. of Elementary & Secondary Education.
Senator Hough - Running for Lt. Governor.  If he loses, he'll fulfill the last two years of his 2nd senate term.
Senator Cindy O'Laughlin - Fullfilling her last senate term.  She's the Majority Floor Leader and likely the next Senate President Pro Tem.
Senator Caleb Rowden - Current Senate President Pro Tem.  He's finishing his last term as senator and has withdrawn from the Secretary of State race. 

senate floor action 

If you'd like to watch the happenings that took place yesterday on the floor of the Senate, I'm working on getting a decent quality video.  

In the meantime, you can also listen to the audio when they post it online, and that should be available in the next day or so.

The Disaster of the Education Omnibus - SB 727

The Disaster of the Education Omnibus - SB 727

the problems with SB 727 are many

SB 727 is an education omnibus bill that has already passed out of the senate and is now in the I've already written about SB 727 and expressed a few thoughts on the reasons I oppose it.  Today, I recorded a deep dive into SB 727 and my thoughts about it.  Please listen to the podcast below.  I gave a shorter overview in the beginning of the podcast, so you can listen to the first section then hop off if you're not interested in the details.

Please see previous blog posts on SB 727 for additional information, as well.

Download this flyer to share with friends & family.  The QR code on the bottom links to the website where you can lookup the contact information for your legislator.  SB 727 Poster (1).pdf

take a stand & don't. sit. down.

1.  Please use the QR code on the image above to find the contact information for your legislator.  

2.  Call your House representative once a week from now until May 15th.  Ask for a NO vote on SB 727.

3.  Email your House representative once a week from now until May 15th.  Ask for a NO vote on SB 727 and give your personal reasons why you are requesting that vote.

4.  SHARE this blog, the podcast & all the information with everyone you know!

Gold & Silver Currency in Missouri

Gold & Silver Currency in Missouri

Today's podcast is much longer than usual, but it's a wonderfully informative conversation with Missouri's gold & silver guru, Patrick Holland.  If you are interested in learning more about having a private, safe form of currency I hope you'll take time to listen even if you have to break it up into smaller sessions.  It's worth your time! 

Missouri Freedom Initiative - Patrick's organization
Hidden Secrets of Money - YouTube documentary series by Mike Maloney
Goldback, Inc. - Gold money you can carry in your wallet
UPMA - United Precious Metals Association

take action

1.  Ask him/her to request of the committee chair that HB 1955 be brought through committee.  Rep O'Donnell is the committee chair and he needs to bring the bill forward ASAP.

2.  Ask your representative to co-sponsor HB 1955.

3.  Call and email Senate Majority Floor Leader, Cindy O'Laughlin and ask that she bring SB 735 to the floor ASAP.  Her phone number is 573.751.7985 and her email is


Problems with SB 727

Problems with SB 727

don't mess with our kids!

SB 727 is stirring a lot of discussions and controversy across Missouri.  Why?  Because most of us are passionate about our kids.  We may not take the time and use the energy to fight for things like water rights or to protect Missouri's constitution, but most of us will stand up when we feel are kids are being directly attacked.   

Our kids ARE being attacked on all fronts.  The attacks on our children - the children of the United States, the children of Missouri - are relentless and range from the war on their identities & their minds, their physical safety, their spirits and all that includes their education.   

A child's education now consumes the vast majority of their lives after age 5 and the influence of those hours, the curriculum, the teachers and teacher training, the counselors and their training, the culture at the schools, etc. is something that literally shapes their attitudes, beliefs and behaviors for their lifetime.   It helps to mold who they are and who they become.

Missouri's schools are generally not doing well with academic performance and the struggle is overwhelming in regard to the social and cultural issues.

the system needs a big change

Everyone agrees we need a change in policy.  But what and how?   That is the big question that causes all the political antics.   The democrats want to fund more programs for the schools and the republicans say the school system is the problem but they continue to empower DESE with even more reach and authority.  DESE is the one driving the schools so where's the logic in that?

It's a real problem.  

The Missouri Senate has just passed an education omnibus bill, SB 727 sponsored by Senator Andrew Koenig, that includes several changes to Missouri's education system.  If you listen to the legislators talk about it, they'll say how they are proud of all the hard work they've done to get a great education bill out of the senate chamber with wonderful things for students, teacher and families alike.

More money will flow into the hands of select families through a voucher system, free books for kids, higher salaries for teachers and so much more.   But, is that the whole story?

the devil's in the details

This is ALOT to unpack and it can't be done well in one blog article, but because I've received questions about SB 727, I'm going to share my thoughts without getting into the weeds too much.  However, there are some very important details you need to understand in order to really grasp some of the problems with this piece of legislation.  

The following is a short list of the reasons I oppose the bill.

  • This bill is unconstitutional now.   It started out as a 12 page bill sponsored by Senator Andrew Koenig with a title that read, " enact ...four new sections relating to educational scholarships."  The bill is now 167 pages long with a title that reads, " enact...forty-four new sections relating to elementary and secondary education with penalty provisions and an effective date for certain sections."   Opening up this very specific title to a very broad one and putting unrelated topics under one bill is unconstitutional.  That's a no go.    See the Missouri Constitution, Article 3 Section 23.

The original bill included only sections on Education Scholarship Account Programs in the four sections, shown above. 

The perfected version, title seen above, that passed in the senate included 44 new sections under the subjects:

    1. Education Scholarship Accounts Programs
    2. Minimum school term
    3. Charter school (expansion)
    4. Literacy of elementary school students
    5. Missouri course access and virtual school program
    6. Family Paced Education Schools 
    7. School board vacancies
    8. Weighted average daily attendance
    9. Early childhood education programs operated by school districts and charter schools
    10. Small schools grant
    11. Minimum teachers salary
    12. Compulsory school attendance
    13. School attendance officers
    14. Recovery high schools
    15. Teacher certification
    16. Hard-to-staff schools and subject areas
    17. Teacher education programs
    18. Career ladder
    19. Working after retirement
    20. Suicide prevention in grades 7-12
    21. Teacher recruitment scholarship program
  • The ESA Program.   This one point deserves an entire blog series in and of itself.  I'll keep my issues with the ESA short and to the point here and only pertaining to this bill rather than the concept of ESAs and whether or not I agree with them.

    • Expanded qualified students 
      • Free/reduced lunch kids who live in unaccredited & provisionally accredited schools would be eligible.  This is a potential HUGE expansion when you consider there are approximately 150 schools that are on the verge of being provisionally accredited. 
      • Students whose households do not exceed 300% of the free/reduced lunch standard are eligible. This is a household income of around $110,000.  These are not necessarily  "impoverished" households.

    • Added another Educational Assistance Organization (EAO) which totals 7.  Inserting non-profits into our State law is a huge problem, one of which is an inability to sunshine the non-profit for information regarding these funds and programs.  These EAOs were chosen and provided for before the original bill was passed in '21.  They are choosing winners & losers.

    • Participating students are required to take the MAP or a norm-referenced test that provide for "value-added assessment" which is a measure of teacher performance.  This is a huge issue as it might pertain to FPEs and private schools.  It was already in the statute and needs to be scrutinized, especially considering DESE is going to be able to promulgate more rules.  

    • DESE is now inserted multiple times and specifically charged with collaborating on rules changes.  This is a HUGE problem! 

    • Kids who are non-English speaking, free/reduced lunch and IEP have the potential to stack increased scholarship amounts based on those criteria.  There is nothing in the statute that prohibits this.  This could result in a student receiving 460% of the state adequacy target.  That is upwards of $20,000/year or more, which would be a huge incentive for families with non-English speaking kids to be here.  Considering our souther border problem, this is a concern.
Note:  Regarding the ESA program, to understand the problems fully you have to take into account the rules in addition to the statute.  The State Treasurer's Office has written rules along with a parent handbook that outlines and details how the program functions.  For example, those rules include background checks for anyone over 18 living in the home of a homeschool family who participates.  Now DESE will be collaborating on those rules and policies as well.  This is an open door to so many more problems and it makes no sense.  Why would you want DESE to have ANY influence in a program designed to get kids out of public school?

  • Expanded charter schools to Boone County.  Boone County (Caleb Rowden's district) got charter schools but they don't have to follow all the same rules as the rest.  
Note:  There are significant issues and reasons as to why I feel charters are NOT what Missouri needs.  Charter in Missouri are not really fairing any better than our public schools and they are not required to follow all the same rules as public.  Many, if not all, in Missouri are woke leftist schools funded by our tax dollars.

  • Elementary Literacy Fund.   Original language sponsored by Senator Karla May (Democrat)
    • The State will now be mailing student selected books into the homes of K-5 graders.  Again, this program will be administered by a non-profit and there will be no sunshining of the details of the program, the books we are providing or how it is operating.  There is data being collected from these homes and weekly contact being made.  The selection of the administering non-profit will be an integral part of the program.  

  • Homeschool definition changed to include enrollment.  The Family Paced Education school was created and the homeschool definition changed to exclude FPEs.   The enrollment language was also slightly changed.  Although the term enrollment had been used in previous language, it was located in a different paragraph that had to do with attendance - not enrollment.  The addition of the word "homeschool" to the enrollment paragraph is curious and makes one wonder why the change needed to be made.  Maybe it's nothing.  But if it's nothing, I prefer it go back to its original form.

  • Removal of records review by prosecuting attorney.  The following was removed from the original language, "Home school education enforcement and records pursuant to this section, and sections 210.167 and 211.031, shall be subject to review only by the local prosecuting attorney."    If the definition of FPE creates two "silos" for students learning at home, there is no need to completely remove the language that says the ONLY review of homeschool records will be done by the prosecuting attorney.  This could be an open door to homeschool records being reviewed by other offices.  The FPE schools are subject to review at any time by administrators of the program, but this would not require a change to the homeschool records review language.  

  • Private school teacher certification.    
    • Considering that DESE will be promulgating more rules around the ESA, you can expect them to write a rule saying participating private schools will be required to hire teachers certified through their program.  
    • The certification will be created by another non-profit.  Who will that be and what will they be training our private school teachers to do?  We probably won't be able to find out due to the inability of sunshining the non-profit.

the vote & the status

This bill was perfected in the senate with the following vote and is now waiting to be referred to the education committee in the House.   It's an interesting vote, because the final vote did not look exactly like this.  Two of the republicans who voted No on perfection were absent for the final TRAP vote.  Gannon, Justin Brown and Hough didn't come to take the final vote.  That's intentional, so to get a really clear picture of who supported what it's the perfection vote you need to pay attention to in this case.  No changes can be made to the bill after perfection.

Another interesting thing to note was that in this case, even though this bill had democrat language in it and multiple things the democrats supported, including Senator Karla May's book program - they didn't need to vote yes.  There were enough Republican yes votes to pass what they wanted to get accomplished. 

The constitutionally correct and conservative vote on this bill was NO.   

Ben Brown
Thompson Rehder 

NOs (Democrats plus Gannon, Justin Brown, & Moon)
Justin Brown

Absent With Leave - Rick Brattin who was attending his daughter's wedding.

take action

1.  Pray and add the Call to the Capitol on April 13th to your calendar!  Consider yourself personally invited to come pray, worship and gather with other like minded believers who are fed up with the attacks on our children.  

We know the only true answers and strategies to push back darkness come from the Lord, so please consider coming and joining with hundreds of other Missouri parents to pray & hold the line for the next generation.  I'll be there & I'd love to see you!

2.  Call your Missouri representative and ask that he/she vote NO on SB 727 when given the opportunity.  The bill isn't clean and I can't imagine the House will clean it up entirely.  Even if they do, it's unconstitutional and for that reason alone the correct vote is NO.

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