Eyes on Eigel

Eyes on Eigel

senator bill eigel

  • He's one of my favorites in Jefferson City.
  • He's honest & has integrity.  I've never known him to lie to me or anyone I know.
  • He's a great leader.  
  • He's open and willing to listen.
  • He's a true conservative.  
  • Regardless of what happens in '24 I'll be sad to see him leave the Senate.

eigel for governor

As of today, if I had to vote for governor and his name was on the ballot, I'd vote Eigel.  I believe he's the most conservative of the three names in the pool.  

Yes, I know the challenges. 

I understand who the GOP is gunning for & the amount of money behind him.  Believe me when I say that under no circumstances will I be voting for our Lt. Governor.

I understand name recognition.  The masses recognize the name of our Secretary of State.  I like him, too.  If Eigel doesn't run - I'll be on his team and I'll be praying he wins.

I just believe that Eigel is the most conservative, least establishment guy and today, he's my pick.  I do, however, reserve my right to change my mind should circumstances, my knowledge or even just my feelings change.

eyes on eigel

If Senator Eigel runs for governor, I think everyone deserves to know what legislation he's working on now and what's happening with it. It's a win-win situation to keep his feet to the fire and hold him accountable to the grassroots in Missouri.  Let's not get to '24 and wonder what's gone on the last two sessions and have to rely on campaign ads & mailers.  


I'm going to do my best to keep up with what's happening with his legislative priorities and keep them posted here so you can stay in the know.  You can search for everything related to Senator Eigel by clicking on the Eigel button to the right.

SB 8:  Personal property tax elimination

Current law requires that personal property be assessed at 33.3% of its true value in money. Beginning January 1, 2024, this act requires that personal property be assessed at 31% of its true value in money.

Current law requires assessors to use the trade-in value published in the October issue of the National Automobile Dealers' Association Official Used Car Guide to determine the true value of motor vehicles for the purposes of property tax assessments. This act instead requires assessors to use the manufacturer's suggested retail price from the year of manufacture of the vehicle and apply the ten year depreciation table provided in the act to determine the true value in money. When the manufacturer's suggested retail price data is not available from an approved source or the assessor deems it not appropriate for a vehicle, the assessor may obtain a manufacturer's suggested retail price from a source that he or she deems reliable and shall apply the depreciation schedule provided by the act.

Subject to appropriations, a political subdivision that receives less than the allowable amount of total real and personal property tax revenues due to the provisions of the act shall be eligible for reimbursement from the state in an amount equal to the amount by which such revenues are below the allowable amount.

Status: Passed out of committee on 2/6.  Needs to be called up to the Senate floor for debate.

Want to Help Move It Forward?  
Call Senator Caleb Rowden's office and request that it be called up out of committee THIS WEEK.  He typically does this on Thursdays but it can be done anytime he chooses.    

You could also call Senator Cindy O'Laughlin's office and ask her to request the same of Rowden.  She's the Majority Floor Leader.

Senator Rowden:  caleb.rowden@senate.mo.gov - 573.751.3931
Senator O'Laughlin:  cindy.olaughlin@senate.mo.gov - 573.751.7985

SB 9 - prohibition of foreign land ownership

This act modifies provisions relating to foreign ownership of real estate, including agricultural land.

Currently, aliens and foreign businesses are capable of acquiring, by grant, purchase, devise, or descent, real estate in this state. This act provides that beginning August 28, 2023, no alien or foreign business shall acquire real estate, except that those persons that have acquired real estate prior to August 28, 2023, shall continue to own and hold the acquired real estate, but shall not grant, sell, or otherwise transfer on or after August 28, 2023, to any other alien or foreign business.

Under current law, no more than 1% of the total aggregate agricultural acreage in the state can be owned by an alien or foreign business. This act prevents any alien or foreign business from acquiring agricultural land in the state beginning August 28, 2023.

Beginning August 28, 2023, all proposed transfers of any interest in agricultural land held by any alien or foreign business in the state shall be submitted to the Department of Agriculture to determine whether such transfer of agricultural land is conveyed in accordance with the prohibition on alien and foreign ownership of agricultural land under the act.

Public hearing was held in the Agriculture committee on 1/24.  It needs to be voted on in committee.

Want to Help Move It Forward?  
Call Senator Jason Bean's office, he's the Chair of the committee, and request there be an executive session on SB 9 and a committee vote.

Senator Bean:  jason.bean@senate.mo.gov - 573.751.4843

SB 10 - Anti red flag law

This act establishes the "Anti-Red Flag Gun Seizure Act" which provides that any federal order of protection or other judicial order issued by a court to confiscate any firearm, firearm accessory, or ammunition from any law-abiding citizen shall be considered an infringement on the people's right to keep and bear arms.

Additionally, no public agency, political subdivision, or law enforcement agency shall receive any federal funding for the purpose of enforcing any federal acts or judicial orders confiscating any firearms, firearm accessories, or ammunition.

Status:  Referred to General Laws Committee on 1/12.  Needs to have a public hearing.  The committee meets Monday, February 20 @ 2:30 pm in Senate Committee Room 2.  No bills are posted yet for this hearing.

Want to Help Move It Forward?  
Call and email Senator Mike Bernskoetter, Chair and request this bill be heard ASAP.

Senator Bernskoetter - mike.bernskoetter@senate.mo.gov  573.751.2076

SB 98 - election reform & handcounting ballots

Summary:  There are several sections to this bill.  Please click link to read full summary.  Summary of handcounting ballots is below.

Under current law, ballots may not be counted until the polls are closed unless specifically authorized by the election authority. This act allows ballots to be counted as they are dropped in the ballot box, provided that no results shall be reported from any specific polling place until all votes have been counted at such polling place. Additionally, absentee ballots may be counted prior to election day at a time and place designated by the election authority. No results shall be reported as to the absentee ballot totals until all votes have been counted in the election authority's jurisdiction.

Status:  Referred to Local Government & Elections Committee on 1/19.  Need to have a public hearing.

Want to Help Move It Forward?  
Call & email Senator Elaine Gannon, Chair.  Request this bill be brought up for a public hearing ASAP.

Senator Gannon:  elaine.gannon@senate.mo.gov - 573.751.4008

SB 99 - Prohibition of Covid Vax Mandates in K-12

This act excludes COVID-19 immunizations from the list of childhood immunizations required for children attending day care, preschool, public, private, parochial, or parish schools.

Status:  Referred to Emerging Issues on 1/19.   Needs a public hearing.

Want to Help Move It Forward?  
Call & email Senator Justin Brown, Chair.  Request a public hearing ASAP.

Senator Justin Brown:  justin.brown@senate.mo.gov - 573.751.5713

SB 100 - Gold & Silver as Legal Tender

Summary:  Click link above for full summary.
The act requires the State Treasurer to keep in the custody of the state treasury an amount of gold and silver greater than or equal to 1% of all state funds.  

The act declares that gold and silver shall be accepted as legal tender at their spot price plus market premium and shall be receivable in payment of all debts, public and private, contracted for in the state of Missouri. Costs incurred in the course of verification of the weight and purity of any gold or silver during any such transaction shall be borne by the receiving entity. No person or entity shall be required to use gold or silver issued by the federal government in the payment of any debt. Nothing in this act shall prohibit the use of federal reserve notes in the payment of any debt.

The act also prohibits public entities from requiring payment in the form of any digital currency, as defined in the act. Payment by means of cash, debit card, or credit card shall be accepted by all public entities. Payment in gold or silver coinage shall also be considered legal tender and shall be accepted by all public entities.

Status:  Pass out of the Senate.  2nd read in the House on 2/13.  Needs to be referred to a committee for a House hearing.

Want to Help Move It Forward?  
Call & email House Speaker Dean Plocher.  Ask for it to be referred to committee ASAP.

Rep Plocher:  dean.plocher@house.mo.gov - 573.751.1544