Zoom Topic for May 21
May 21st will be a recap of the legislative session.

We’ll have Senators Eigel, Moon & Carter as well as Reps Hardwick, Reisch,  Boyd & Sparks.

Hey There!

I host a weekly Zoom meeting for conservative Missourians to connect with legislators and elected officials.  We discuss a hot topic each week and always end with Q&A.  
SUNDAYS @ 8pm on ZOOM Come back on Sunday evening and click the link below to join.

MO Freedom Forum Archives
TUTORIAL:  How a MO Bill Becomes Law &
How to Track a MO House Bill

DIGITAL CURRENCY with MO Representative Justin Sparks &
Missouri Grassroots Leaders
March 26, 2023
Scott Newgent Interview

March 7, 2023
Concurrent Majority Ratification of the MO Constitution (CMR)

March 6, 2023
From the blog...
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