The SAFE Act Finally Passes the MO Senate

The SAFE Act Finally Passes the MO Senate


Tuesday morning around 7:30 am I would've been like Martha and the Vandellas' Dancing In The Street as I headed to my vehicle if I hadn't been so exhausted from being awake all night through the democrat filibuster on The SAFE Act, SB 49.

After a long night of listening to the litany of stories about pets, vacations and all manner of things as democrats held the floor and republicans negotiated with, most likely, Washington University's lobbyist, The SAFE Act was perfected with 23 of 24 republican senators voting yes.  It even had 18 senators sign on as co-sponsors just after the perfected version was agreed up and before the vote.

The Third Read & Pass vote in the Senate AND it was first read in the House on Thursday, March 23rd.  

What an answer to prayer!  God showed up in such miraculous ways throughout this process.  HE IS SO GOOD!

thank you!

Before we go any further I want to be sure to say a big heartfelt "Thank You" to our republican senators who each played a role in the passing of the bill.

Senator Mike Moon championed this bill and has been carrying it for the last 3 years.  Senators Hoskins & Carter joined him in filing this session.  Four others were truly fighting for this bill even before Spring Break, but we couldn't have gotten through the fight without the rest.  They all played a part in the victory and they deserve a big pat on the back!  It was truly a team effort.

thank you, sponsors!

mike moon

Senator Moon is the CHAMPION of this legislation.  He has sponsored this bill for three years.  He had a heart for this bill when no one else was even looking and he has consistently stood in the gap for Missouri's kids.   We couldn't be more thankful for his heart and persaverence to stand even when he was standing alone.

denny hoskins

Senator Hoskins filed his own version of the bill which was combined with SB 49 through the committee process.  Although this was his first year filing it, he was committed and stood strong to fight for what is right throughout this bill's journey through the senate.

jill carter

Senator Carter also filed her own bill as a freshman senator.  We are proud that she took a risk in filing such controversial legislation in her first year and we are looking forward to what's to come from her.  Her bill was combined with Senator Moon's as well.

thank you for always standing

There were a group of senators who were always fighting for this bill to move forward.  They readily answered questions regarding their support and they signed Senator Moon's letter to prioritize this bill after Spring Break.  We appreciate their strong commitment to fight for this bill and for never wavering.

bill eigel

Senator Bill Eigel was a strong force for The SAFE Act from the very beginning.  He fought at every step for the success of SB 49, including standing and speaking against the ANTIFA anti-protestors at the Missouri Kids FIRST Rally.  

rick brattin

Senator Rick Brattin never wavered in his support.  He took every opportunity he had to support and move this bill forward. 

ben brown

Senator Ben Brown is a freshman senator and he's doing a great job!  We are thrilled with his willingness to stand strong on hard issues.  He added his signature to commit to make this a priority after spring break and took every opportunity to support the bill throughout the process.

andrew koenig

Senator Koenig made a strong statement over spring break when he committed publicly by signing Senator Moon's letter, that he would commit to make this a priority upon their return from the break.  We appreciate your stand, Senator Koenig!

nick schroer

Senator Schroer stood with the other 6 senators in prioritizing this bill after the break.  His office was QUICK to respond to our inquiry in the weeks before the bill came to the floor when we asked if he would support the original bill, including puberty blockers and hormones. 

thank you, co-sponsors!

After the bill had been negotiated and agreed to, these senators signed on as co-sponsors before the perfection vote.  We appreciate their commitment to add their names to the list of supporters & vote for the perfection of the bill early Tuesday morning.

thank you for voting yes

The final vote for passage through the senate was taken mid-morning on Thursday, March 23rd.   In addition to all previous senators mentioned, and although the 18 shown above could have passed the bill without additional support, these senators listed below did contribute a yes vote in the final passage.

Senator caleb rowden

senator justin brown

senator lincoln hough

senator mike bernskoetter 

senator mike cierpiot

it's not ideal

I'm so thrilled this passed the Senate I can hardly stand still but I don't want to lead you to believe this is a perfect situation. It's not.  

Through the perfection process, the bill was changed significantly.  The original bill did three things:

  1. Banned puberty blockers from children under 18 years of age.
  2. Banned cross-sex hormones from children under 18 years of age.
  3. Banned gender transition surgeries from children under 18 years of age.
  4. Consequences for breaking the law considered unprofessional conduct & license to practice is revoked.
The negotiations during the filibuster produced these three additions:

  1. Four year sunset clause pertaining to the puberty blockers & hormones was added.  This means that on August 28, 2027, this provision of the ban will expire UNLESS the legislators in the 2027 session make it permanent. This isn't good.  It means we'll have to fight this battle again in the 2027 legislature and if we lose, these drugs become legal again for kids.
  2. Grandfather clause was added.  This allows children who were already on the prescriptions to continue them if they were already using them at the time this law is passed.  This isn't too bad and in some cases, is necessary for the safety of the kids.  Some of these drugs are very dangerous they are abruptly stopped.
  3. Cause of action for patients to bring suit against medical professionals if they are sterilized or suffer harm by any of these medical procedures.  Patients would be able to sue for unlimited amounts.  They would be allowed to bring a suit against a medical professional until age 37 or 15 years after the treatment has ceased if they are found to be sterile. 

it's not over

Although I am so very thankful that this has passed, the battle is not over with this bill.  It still has to go through the House process, including two committees.

Representative Brad Hudson will be the House handler of this issue and there may be challenges ahead.  

We may need your help as this legislation moves forward, so please share this information with your pastor & church friends, your family, neighbors and others who are like-minded in wanting to protect Missouri kids.  Ask them to subscribe to the blog or join the FB Group.

thank you!   THANK YOU!   THAnK YOU!

There aren't words to say enough about what YOU have done by speaking up and showing up when we needed you.  We couldn't have accomplished this in this timeframe without your help. 

Thank you so very much for joining the battle for our kids with me!

Peaceful Rally

Peaceful Rally

hate mail

It has surely been an interesting week!  I can't say that I was completely unaware of what would be said about the upcoming rally to support The SAFE Act but it's not easy to see the headlines or to read the hate mail, either.   

I don't like talking to the press.  You always know it's not going to be written like you said it and there's nothing you can do about it.  Whether you believe it or not, I am not anti-trans nor is anyone else associated with this rally that I'm aware of.  In fact, I've grown to have more compassion for them than ever before.  

I still support The SAFE Act.

The hate mail coming through does cause me to pause and consider the possibility for a crowd to be at the Capitol Monday who oppose our position or might be there to cause trouble.  This spurred me to write today in an effort to be very clear.

this is a peaceful gathering

If you are planning on coming Monday, PLEASE come with a peaceful, enjoyable day in mind.  

I do NOT condone ANY disruptive, aggressive or violent behavior whatsoever.  

The purpose and intent of this rally is to:
  • Support & encourage our senators who have taken a stand in support of this bill
  • Gather with like-minded Missourians for worship, fellowship, learning & participating in Missouri government
  • Respectfully let our legislators know our wishes regarding The SAFE Act.

capitol police 573.751.2764

I've been at every trans related hearing this session to observe.  

The group of people that show up from the LGBTQ community are not what I'd call respectful to those of us who don't agree with them.  I've been called names, shouted at, and told the blood of innocent children committing suicide is on my hands.  It has not been a pleasant experience.  Please prepare yourself for the possibility.

If this type of thing happens to you while you are here, please do not respond at all.  Walk away.

If you...

  • sense tensions rising with people around you in a way that is concerning
  • feel uncomfortable or unsafe because of someone's behavior
  • see someone acting in a way that is aggressive or suspicious 
  • are concerned for someone's safety or feel uneasy in any way
  • are provoked by someone & they won't leave you alone
PLEASE reach out to Capitol Police at 573.751.2764.

Capitol Police is always present inside the Capitol building and there are always officers very near, especially during our time in the rotunda.  

in the gallery

I hope you'll stay with us to watch the Senate "drama" unfold, whatever that turns out to be.  The Senate Gallery is located on the 4th floor.  Please download and print this Capitol Map if you'd like.

Gallery Rules
  • No food or drinks
  • No hats
  • Feet off of rails and backs of chairs
  • Be quiet & respectful.  Talk kept to a minimum & at a whisper
  • Cell phones on silent


Remember that we are uniting on Monday to stand together to protect kids.  The focus Monday is the KIDS. They come FIRST.

We are locking arms - gays, trans, christians, agnostics, catholics, black, white, brown, etc.   This doesn't happen often and I'm proud to be hosting an event where we can put our differences aside and focus on common ground.

Standing Together. For The Kids.

Standing Together.  For The Kids.

where would you find homosexuals, transexuals & evangelicals together?  Here.  locking arms for the kids.

making history

Come join me for a history-making kind of a day where people from a variety of backgrounds, lifestyles and religions are going to lock arms for the fight against the far left agenda that is targeting our children.  SB 49, sponsored by Senator Mike Moon, is a ban on puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones & gender surgeries for children.  Our legislators aren't getting the job done so it's time to take a stand!

We have an amazing day planned and it's getting better by the hour!  I'd love for you to come stand alongside us for the benefit of Missouri's most precious treasures - our kids.

All events will take place here at the Capitol in Jefferson City, MO.  They are free and we'd love for you to come with a car load, van load or even a bus load of your favorite people.  Share this with your civic groups, your BFFs, your Sunday School class & anyone else who wants to join.

It's going to be a super fun day full of inspiration, great speakers, food & friendship.

schedule - PLease rsvp  RSVP Here  Event Details

11:30 to 12:30
Prayer & Praise in the rotunda 

12:30 to 2:00
Lunch will be on your own.  If you register to attend, I'll send you all the details you need about food options downtown within walking distance from the Capitol.  

2:00 to 4:00
Missouri Kids FIRST Rally in the rotunda.  You'll enjoy a great group of people, motivating speakers & a few office holders, including our favorite Missouri Senators who are standing firm for our kid's sake.  So far our special guest list includes:

  • Scott Newgent, featured in the documentary What is a Woman? and in this NY Times article.
  • Chris Barrett, Missouri Chapter Leader of Gays Against Groomers
  • Dr. Bob Onder
  • Catherine Dreher, Vice Chair, Missouri Libertarian Party & Mom
  • Adam Dommeyer, Turning Point USA Faith
  • Pastor Kirk DeMars from House of Prayer, Jefferson City
  • Senator Mike Moon
  • Senator Bill Eigel
  • Senator Jill Carter
  • Senator Andrew Koenig
4:00 - ??
Plan to stay and watch the Senate at they convene.  Let's see what happens!  

Yes, I may be there overnight & I hope you'll join me.  It'll be like our own version of Night at the Museum, only ours is The Night in the Capitol. LOL

Our hope is:
  • Senator O'Laughlin calls SB49 to the floor.
  • Democrats filibuster all night while the Republicans hold their ground for a ban that includes puberty blockers, hormones & surgeries.  We need a bill that is constitutional - NOT rolled up with another unrelated sports bill.
It's possible we might see:
  • Senator O'Laughlin might not call the bill to the floor at all. 
  • If O'Laughlin doesn't call it to the floor, it's possible the conservative senators would filibuster to hold the floor until she does.
  • Although I don't think it's likely, it is possible that O'Laughlin would NOT call up the bill and the conservatives DON'T hold the floor. This is my least favorite option.
  • Senator O'Laughlin adjourns early during the democrat filibuster.
Whatever happens, come & plan to stay as late as you can.  You won't want to miss the fun!

come with unity in mind - RSVP Here   Event Details

Many different faiths, lifestyles and backgrounds will be represented here on Monday.  It's obvious we don't agree on some things.  We believe that’s ok.    

We DO agree, however, that children should not be victimized by the destruction caused by puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones or transition surgery before they are old enough to understand the full consequences of their actions.

Monday, we will be unified in our message of love, hope and protecting children.  Monday - nothing else matters.  Missouri Kids come FIRST.

Hope to see you there!

please help us spread the word -  RSVP Here Event Details

Please post & use across all your platforms.  #standtogether4kids

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Perfect Timing

Don’t think for a moment that the Missouri news outlets aren’t directly connected to the inside of the Capitol here in Jefferson City.   Just like you know it to be nationally, so it is here in the Show Me State.

The news, often fed by political agendas, will show you exactly what they want at just the right time for their own purposes.

The Hot Topic Issues

  1. Gender Transition in Kids - SB 49 aka The SAFE Act
  2. Potential Abortion Amendments to the MO Constitution - HJR 43 aka “IP Reform”

Current Situation

MO Senate Republicans voted 14-10 to adjourn for spring break early on Wednesday, in the middle of a democrat filibuster over The SAFE Act, because the conservatives wouldn’t compromise by agreeing to a Washington University approved version of the bill.  

Bev Ehlen, a veteran and trusted citizen activist inside the Capitol posted the following: 

The conservatives, I think today I’ll call them the The Guardians, want a strong bill that would ban puberty blockers, cross sex hormones & gender transition surgery for children under 18.  The establishment republicans want a trophy to bring home to you for passing anything that will make it across the line & the democrats actually agree with Wash U, of course.

We are awaiting the return of the Senate on Monday, March 20th, from the extended spring break they gave themselves when they decided their vacation was more important than our kids.

Senator O’Laughlin has said they will take up the bill again when they reconvene. 

GAGA Republicans Compromising Missouri’s Kids

“Go Along to Get Along” establishment republicans are negotiating with terrorists who are literally destroying the lives of Missouri’s most vulnerable people - our kids, many of which are already “at risk.”

Washington University, which happens to be a partner in the gender clinic where the St. Louis whistleblower worked, is one of the largest donors to Senate President Pro Tem, Caleb Rowden. In fact, the Wash U related PACS are pouring money into our office holders’ PACS like a bartender pours liquor into glasses.

Check out some of these MEC reports on the RightPath PAC. I'll write another article and piece together those details, but this will get you started. 

Andrew Bailey, Missouri Attorney General, sent this letter to Washington University and St Louis Children's Hospital.

When I tell you that the establishment Republicans want to “compromise” by eliminating the puberty blockers and cross sex hormones from the ban proposed in The SAFE Act…. Do you wonder why?   It seems pretty clear to me.

Who else might benefit from a nothing-burger version of The SAFE Act passing?   You know - the version where we still allow kids to take things like Lupron, which is being used off-label to treat gender dysphoria? 

  • Planned Parenthood
  • Big pharma
  • Hospitals
  • Gender clinics
  • Counselors
Wonder how much money we’d find laundered through the Senate Campaign Committee from those sources?

“We Have Other Things To Do”

The GAGA Republicans are parroting talking points that say we just don’t have time to get bogged down in this mess right now.  

They have other important things to do & can’t risk “sacrificing” the budget or things like IP Reform for our kids' sake.  

I was even told a couple days ago that you know, this gender thing doesn’t really affect many kids and our “team” needs to look unified.  After all, we shouldn’t be attacking people who are wearing our jersey, should we?


For those of you concerned about the budget - it isn’t going to be left undone.  Worse case scenario - if they blow up the entire session with this issue - the Governor calls them back the next week and they pass a budget.  The State isn’t going bankrupt.  They just want to scare you because they know you don’t know the truth.

Worried about IP Reform?  Well, let me tell you the scoop about that…

The Big News on Friday

News broke on Friday that 11 initiative petitions (IP) have been filed to add legalized abortion to our Missouri Constitution.  We have known this was coming since Roe was overturned.  No one is surprised.  

However, the news broke yesterday.  Big headlines for those who are paying attention.

The IP bill the legislature is pushing is HJR 43.  It’s a HARMFUL bill and if it passes as it's written, an abortion amendment is STILL a shew-in.  It will pass, because there is no concurrent majority provision in it.

Speaker of the House Dean Plocher wants HJR 43 and he’s willing to let it pass with just a 3-5% increase in popular vote requirement for passing an amendment.  This would mean that it would require something around a 53% majority vote vs a 50% + 1 majority vote.  That’s a nothing burger.  

It likely won’t pass on the ballot anyway - which means nothing changes at all.  And even if it did pass - it’s not a significant change.

SO… do you think Plocher really wants to keep abortion rights from being added to the constitution?  If he did, he'd be pushing Concurrent Majority Ratification.

Who would want abortion to be in the Missouri Constitution?   Hmm….  

  • Planned Parenthood
  • Washington University
  • Big Pharma
  • Hospitals
  • Abortion doctors & clinics
  • Counselors
Does that list sound familiar??   The SAME BIG MONEY pushing for kids to be able to medically transition is also pushing for EASY passage of constitutional amendments!

So guess what?  If they shift the focus to IP Reform from our kids and pass HJR 43 as it is - you are going to get abortion!  But they'll still take credit and the trophy for passing the bill.  This is Missouri politics folks!

Who Is Getting All That Money From Those Sources????  

Who Benefits From The SAFE Act Being Stalled or Not Passed At All???

Republicans Run on the Pro-Life Issue.  Do you think that scary headline will help stall The SAFE Act??   Yes.  It could.

They want to scare you into thinking that abortion rights are flying into the constitution if they don’t get IP reform passed and that it can’t happen if they deal with The SAFE Act right now.   

But…. They are fooling you.  They think you’re uninformed, ignorant constituents.  They think you don’t understand the process.   They are counting on you forgetting all this when it comes election time anyway.

The IP Reform they are trying to sell isn’t going to keep abortion out of the constitution at all!  It will usher it right in & cause us even more problems down the road.  

If they pass HJR 43 as it is written without making major changes - who wins?  

Politicians & Washington University....and the others on those lists above.

Who wins if they don't pass the strong SAFE Act?   

Politicians & Washington University...and the others on those lists above.

Who loses?  Missouri's children.

Scott Newgent Talks About Saving Our Kids

Scott Newgent Talks About Saving Our Kids

scott newgent screams louder

TreVoices, founded by Scott Newgent, exists to educate and empower people to speak out against medically transitioning our children.  

Scott was gracious enough to travel here to Jefferson City a few weeks ago to testify at our Senate hearing on SB 49, The Safe Act.  However, he was thrown out when the Chair of the committee decided he was being disrespectful to Senator Razer.  You can learn more about that and hear Scott speak about it HERE.

Today, I wanted to give Scott the opportunity to finish his testimony and share his heart without being interrupted.  We met on Zoom and recorded it so you could watch at your convenience.  Please help us educate Missouri and share this blog with all your friends & family who care about our kids.

SB 49 is actually being heard on the MO Senate floor this week!!  Of course, the democrats are furious about it and our republicans don't seem to be standing as strong as I'd hoped.  I'm praying they actually get it passed before the end of their week without diluting it so much it's meaningless... before they go on spring break, which is Thursday.

take action

1.  PRAY.  Without ceasing, until this bill has passed.

2.   Contact Senators Cindy O'Laughlin, Majority Floor Leader & Caleb Rowden, Senate President Pro Tem.  Let them know you want SB 49 to PASS prior to Spring Break. 

Phone Numbers:   Cindy - 573.751.7985 & Caleb - 751.3931

3.  Contact YOUR Senator as well as ALL the Republican senators and ask for support to PASS SB 49 ASAP.  Ask them to help influence the process and support its passage in any way they are able, along with a yes vote.   Senate Directory

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