house joint resolution 43 - 60% majority ratification
HJR 43 sponsored by Rep Henderson would change the way our Missouri State Constitution is amended/ratified. It has already passed the House and is making its way through the Senate.
Currently, Missouri voters ratify a change to the constitution by a simple majority vote. Yesterday, I wrote Pro Abortion Republicans? Afraid So. about the hazards of that process for rural Missourians.
60% majority in other states
Today, I want to discuss HJR 43 further. The language in this bill has been brought to the ballot in a handful of other states recently and it was defeated. Arkansas & South Dakota both voted it down just his past November.
Why? I can't be certain, but here's what I think.
The people of this nation know that "majority" means 50% plus 1. It does not mean 60%. Nothing in American government has ever been based on 60% majority. It just doesn't sit well with voters, whether they are informed or not.
Educated voters understand that this threshold also means that when they support a proposed amendment, it will only take 40% to veto. If you are talking about conservatives, they would have nearly zero possibility of passing anything due to liberal population in the cities.
most likely, hJr 43 as written will fail at the poll
This is an issue being talked about inside the Capitol. Many many, I'd say most legislators know this measure, as written currently, will likely be voted down by Missouri voters & it likely will not even pass the Senate without changes.
What does that mean for our constitution if it fails on the ballot? It means nothing would change. Ratification would stay at 50% majority of popular vote.
possible strategy: lower the threshold to get it passed in the legislature & on the ballot for the people
I've heard the possibility that Speaker Plocher feels lowering the threshold, maybe down to 53%, would help get it passed here in the Capitol and on the ballot. That's possible. But what is the effect of that on our ratification process?
Very little.
If it is on the ballot & fails - no change. Simple majority ratification prevails.
If it is on the ballot & passes - nearly no change. Only a slight percentage increase & still based on majority of popular vote.
Who wins with that strategy? NOT rural Missourians. NOT conservative Missourians.
Who wins is the politicians (Rep Dean Plocher) who defeat concurrent majority ratification language for the special interests that are paying them AND simultaneously pass something they can sell to the people as a ratification reform.
And yet...it really is NOT.
We are still left with ratification based on simple majority that is determined by the very few liberal districts in the state.
politicians & special interests. WHO IS THAT?
Well, as far as politicians - Rep. Dean Plocher would be at the top of the list. This is his legislative priority. And if Plocher is happy then Senate President Pro Tem Caleb Rowden is likely happy because then Plocher gives him what he wants.
Special interests who would like this ratification process to stay as it is would be organizations who support things like:
- Rank choice voting
- Abortion
- Open borders
- Gun control & red flag laws
- MONA (Missouri Non-Discrimination Act, which makes LGBTQ+ a protected class)
- Legalizing marijuana
- Urban priorities
Missouri needs to ratify our state constitution in a way that ALL our districts are represented. That is concurrent majority ratification as written in SJR 28.
what can you do?
1. Call Senator Caleb Rowden and ask for SJR 28 to be called up out of committee. It was voted "Do Pass" but he refuses to call it up so it can be debated and perfected.
Call Caleb - 573.751.3931 Email Caleb - caleb.rowden@senate.mo.gov
2. Call Senator Sandy Crawford. She's handling HJR 43 in the Senate. Please respectfully let her know you want to see CONCURRENT MAJORITY RATIFICATION language using HOUSE DISTRICTS. I *think* she might be open to making changes. Let's pray she is.
Call Senator Crawford - 573.751.8793. Email Senator Crawford - sandy.crawfod@senate.mo.gov
3. Call & email your own Senator & Representative and express your concerns and ask them for support of Concurrent Majority Ratification if they have the opportunity. HJR 43 has already passed the House but they might have another opportunity to vote. Find them here: Legislator Lookup Tool
3. Sign the petition. It's super easy! Scroll down to to Initiative Petition (IP) Reform & click, fill it out & submit.
4. Reach out to EVERY conservative Missourian you know & share this blog!
5. Think about businesses and organizations that might be represented in your area & share this blog. Ask for their support - especially those supporting farmers or rural life. Think...Farm Bureau, Mo Cattlemen's Association, Mo Soybean Assoc, Corn Growers, electric co-ops, local Chamber of Commerce offices, local banks, ag industry, etc.
6. Reach out to ALL the PRO LIFE organizations, churches, citizens you know! Send them this blog & ask them to participate in helping. If they need more information, please have them contact me. I'll help them.