sB 681 & SB 662 (2022) by Senators cindy o'laughlin (R) & Lauren Arthur (d)
SB 681 & SB 662 were combined to create an education omnibus bill in the 2022 legislative session. It's what we call a "Christmas Tree Bill" because there are several different sections of Missouri statute addressed. It was a large bill that ended up being 166 pages long, repealed 30 sections and added 50 brand new sections of statutes. It was all pertaining to elementary and secondary education. This was the brainchild of Senator Cindy O'Laughlin, republican from northern Missouri (Majority Floor Leader in 2023) and Senator Lauren Arthur, democrat from Clay County (KC area).
It contained everything from testing kids for lead poisoning to creating additional pathways for high school graduation to changing the state learning standards and MANDATING mental health training for high school students.
The latter is what we are going to be talking about today.
Here's the statute created by SB 681 & SB 662:

the result of rsmo 170.307 is ADDED social emotional learning standards
Based on this new statute, on Tuesday, August 15th, the Missouri State Board of Education approved a rule change to add Social Emotional Learning (SEL) standards for K-12 mental health training.
It's ALWAYS a problem when we see in statute that our legislators are abdicating their authority to the unelected bureaucrats with NO way of knowing what the outcome will be. The overreach of bureaucrats into every part of society is a primary reason government has grown to the extent it has, and it's a huge problem in our education system.
This should be a primary concern to conservatives, especially Christian conservatives across Missouri. Promulgated rules are nearly always written to expand progressive government in one way or another.
what is SEL?
Social Emotional Learning is a broad umbrella term that encompasses several things, but the term is pretty self explanatory. In a nutshell, it's the teaching or training of students in regard to social and/or emotional issues.
This is the proposed rule change:

SEL can include, but is not limited to:
- any mental health related topic such as depression, suicide, anxiety, etc.
- communication skills
- motivational skills
- racial & social justice issues
- diversity & equity
- civic engagement
- affirming LGBTQIA+ student behavior
- giving students a "safe" private space with counselors without parental knowledge or consent
- comprehensive sex education
- SEL related student surveys that collect student data related to their beliefs
SEL learning objectives will most likely come through health or PE class by way of the school counselors, who are NOT trained psychologists. Honestly, I don't prefer my own student to have ANY mental health instruction at school - SEL or otherwise.
These new standards will most likely be largely driven by the American School Counselor's Association and organizations such as CASEL and American Federation for Teachers (AFT). These organizations are the opposite of conservative. POLAR opposite.
It doesn't take much to see why it would be a problem for these large progressive organizations and bureaucrats to be running the show in relation to social and emotional learning.
vague standards & local control
The standards are vague. When you read them, there is no clear danger if you aren't familiar with specific terminology or the bigger picture of SEL. Of course we want our children to be empathetic, good problem solvers and happy, productive kids.
Isn't that what this is about??
Well, for some districts and teachers - yes. But for others and maybe most at this point because of the American School Counselors Association - there is a bigger agenda involved.
A marxist agenda. An agenda that divides our kids, pits them against one another and destroys the fabric of patriotic Christian family values all unbeknownst to parents while our kids are in school.
The standards DO allow for individual districts & teachers to adopt their own curriculum and lesson plans as they pertain to these specific standards. It IS possible that your school and your student would not be exposed to the progressive woke agenda. This is why if you ask your administration or school board member, they'll likely tell you that the standard doesn't really matter and that the local school controls the curriculum. That is true.
But here are a few of the problems:
How will you know what your student's teacher is saying or teaching regarding SEL?? You won't. Most likely, you won't even know the questions to ask your student or when to ask them.
How will you know if your student is talking to your school counselor about LGBTQ, sexual identity, gender identity or even suicide? You won't. They are not required to disclose. They are "safe" spaces for students and your students have privacy privileges there. You will know NOTHING if the school counselor doesn't want you to know. The School Counselor's Association wants it this way and they are lobbying legislators to keep it this way.
Do you want your school counselor, PE teacher or health teacher or any teacher - none of whom are trained psychologists - to be teaching mental health topics to your students anyway? I don't.
Do you want your student to be surveyed without your knowledge? I don't.
Do you want your school district to be forced to do MORE teaching that is NOT core classes? I don't. Our schools have more than enough requirements forced onto them by DESE as it is.
Are you familiar with the American School Counselor's Association and what they are pushing into your school counselors offices? Probably not. There are a few resources below & I'll continue to talk about it here.
what can you do?
- Submit public comment to DESE, via survey below, rejecting SEL standards being MANDATED to our schools. You can simply enter "I reject all SEL standards, definitions, and implementation in any format, whether recommended or mandated, in Missouri public schools" in the appropriate text boxes.
2. Share this blog with your like-minded family & friends!
3. Use the resources below to learn a little more and be sure to subscribe to the blog!
Please spend some time learning about SEL if you aren't already aware.
- Pay attention to her language in the video above. She want's school transformation - bringing joy & justice to schools by bringing together SEL, restorative practices & racial equity. They have a NEW definition of SEL. "Culturally affirmative SEL". Race conscious, justice oriented & everything that happens in a classroom cannot be neutral.

In hopes of consolidating our Calls To Action and hot topics for the upcoming week, I'm going to link the Senate info here and I'll do my best to update you as the week progresses. These aren't the only items we are watching and as you know legislation is an every changing beast so I'll keep you posted as best I can.
monday, feb 6th
senate hearings
Local Government & Elections Committee
2:00 pm in Senate Committee Room 2
SB 16 by Cierpiot - OPPOSE. Weighted voting in our Central Committees. It's BAD!
SJR 30 by Ben Brown - SUPPORT. Bans rank choice voting via ballot measure.
1. Come testify in person
2. Call and email the committee members:
Senator Elaine Gannon, Chair - elaine.gannon@senate.mo.gov 573.751.4008
Senator Sandy Crawford, Vice Chair - sandy.crawford@senate.mo.gov. 573.751.8793
Senator Jill Carter - jill.carter@senate.mo.gov. 573.751.2173
Senator Mary Elizabeth Coleman - maryelizabeth.coleman@senate.mo.gov 573.751.1492
Senator Andrew Koenig - andrew.koenig@senate.mo.gov. 573.751.5568
Senator John Rizzo - john.rizzo@senate.mo.gov. 573.751.3074
Senator Barbara Washington - barbara.washington@senate.mo.gov. 573.751.3158
Senate Formal Calendar**
Bills on the formal calendar will be brought to the floor for debate & perfection, but there's no way to know when. They won't all make it to the floor Monday, but it will depend on how quickly things move as to when they do arrive this week or maybe even next week. There will also be additions as time passes. These are the bills I've been watching closely, but there are a few others as well.
SB 5 by Koenig - School Choice. OPPOSE. Can't support as currently written.
SB 81 by Coleman - Voucher/School Choice & Tax Credit for Home Schools. OPPOSE. Can't support as currently written. The playing field is unequal between public & private schools. Either push DESE back out of public schools or the only fair thing to do is push DESE requirement in to private and although we don't want that, it will likely happen. The Treasurer's office will create the rules around the flow of money. It won't end well. Private schools need to be protected and public schools need to be free.
SB 100 by Eigel - Gold & Silver. SUPPORT
SB 39 by Rehder - Boys in Girl's Sports. SUPPORT w/Amendments to strike DESE & Title 9 language. Change the language regarding birth certificates due to Cierpiot's birth certificate bill. She needs to use Moon's language in regard to identification of biological boys.
SB 117 by Leutkemeyer - Torte Reform & Sovereign Immunity. OPPOSE. This is a HORRIBLE bill. I can't express how bad & far reaching it will be. This bill needs to die quickly!!
SB 45 by Gannon - Expanding Medicaid. OPPOSE. Why are Republicans expanding medicaid?? The only way we can support this is if they add the pro-life language to it that would exclude post abortion care. We might see a filibuster over this one.
senate resolutions
SCR 4 by Eigel - Commends Israel from its cordial and mutually beneficial relationship with Missouri and the United States, supports Israel's right to exist and recognizes Jerusalem as the eternal capitol of Israel. I LOVE BILL EIGEL FOR THIS!!
senate hearings
Education & Workforce Development
8:15am in the Senate Lounge
SB 134 by Moon. SUPPORT. Bans school personnel from speaking with students about gender identity without prior permission from a parent.
1. Testify in person. Arrive by 7:15 or even earlier. Doors should open at 7:45 am. Limited seating. Overflow stands in hallway.
2. Call & Email Committee Members
Andrew Koenig, Chair 573.751.5568
Rick Brattin, Vice-Chair. 573.751.2108
Lauren Arthur. 573.751.5282
Doug Beck. 573.751.0220
Elaine Gannon. 573.751.4008
Denny Hoskins. 573.751.4302
Greg Razer. 573.751.6607
Nick Schroer. 573.751.1282
Curtis Trent. 573.751.1503
Education Committee Emails: andrew.koenig@senate.mo.gov, rick.brattin@senate.mo.gov, lauren.arthur@senate.mo.gov, doug.beck@senate.mo.gov, elaine.gannon@senate.mo.gov, denny.hoskins@senate.mo.gov, greg.razer@senate.mo.gov, nick.schroer@senate.mo.gov, curtis.trent@senate.mo.gov
Today at noon there is a hearing on Suzie Pollock's school vaccine bill, HB 2009.
This bill reinforces our constitutional right to live according to our conscience and it downsizes our government in regard to required vaccines for schools.
We SUPPORT this bill and encourage you to submit an online testimony before midnight tonight. Be sure to check your email after you submit the form in order to verify your email address and complete the process.
Please share this information with your conservative friends & family!

rep pollock's school vaccine bill - HB 2009
Representative Suzie Pollock's school vaccine bill is one of my favorites this session. Here's why.
If you agree and you'd like to help get this bill across the finish line, please let me know by registering here. I'll be in touch soon with specific action items and keep you updated as to what's happening.
Do you want more vaccines added to the school requirement list?
Not only this experimental Covid shot, but whatever else might be coming down the pipe?
Currently, in the State of Missouri, required vaccinations can be added to our school requirement list by direction from the Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) in coordination with the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE). No elected official is involved. Parents won't even know until after it too late.
I don't know about you, but in the current climate of Covid craziness and unknown future - that doesn't sit well with me. This bill would change the statute to require all new additions of vaccines to the school requirement list be approved by Missouri legislature. That means the PEOPLE and our elected officials would have a voice in the process and the power would be removed from the overreaching bureaucrats at DHSS.
do you want mo statutes aligned with the constitution?
This bill brings statute into alignment with the Missouri Constitution by requiring public schools to acknowledge religious AND conscientious exemptions at the written request of the parent. No more trips to the county health department to obtain a yellow card with a seal on cardstock. A simple letter will do.
This bill also...
- Requires schools to recognize acquired immunity
- Requires DHSS to educate parents on what their rights actually are regarding exemptions
- Provides choice for private and parochial schools
- Gives college students living off campus a choice regarding the meningococcal vaccine
- Protects parents rights to choose if they vaccinate without fear of abuse or neglect charges or investigations
- Protects physicians from licensing concerns over granting medical exemptions
Because this bill is especially important, we want to communicate with supporters directly to ensure you don't miss any opportunity to help. Please sign up for email notifications!
THis bill needs more co-sponsors
take action
1. If you don't know who your representative is or you need contact information, use this online look up tool.
2. Look on the Bill Page using the link above. Click on the Co-Sponsor tab. Look for your representative listed. If your rep is already listed, you need to take no further action.
3. If your rep is not listed as a co-sponsor, please call and/or send an email to request they add their name to the co-sponsor list.
I'd like to request that you co-sponsor HB2009, sponsored by Suzie Pollock, to help support parental rights in regard to our children's healthcare.