Will It Be "No Vax No Entry" In Missouri?

The short answer is maybe.

HB 271 was signed into law today and it does have a provision related to Covid vaccine "passports" as they are being called. It may or may not be to your liking.  

Here's the text taken from the truly passed and now signed version of the bill.

No county, city, town or village in this state receiving public funds shall require documentation of an individual having received a vaccination against COVID-19 in order for the individual to access transportation systems or services or any other public accommodations.
The conservative and, I believe, intended interpretation of this provision would be that government entities are not allowed to require proof of the Covid vaccine in order for you to access or use services, transportation systems or public accommodations they provide.  However, this does not apply to any private business or entity.  It also does not apply to schools.

The one detail that could be debatable rests in the term "public accommodations."  Some would say it's possible that this term can be applied here in a similar fashion as it is applied in the discrimination practices prohibited by the Missouri Human Rights Act.

 "Places of public accommodation includes places or businesses holding out to the general public goods, services, privileges, facilities, advantages, or accommodations for the peace, comfort, health, welfare, and safety of the general public or such public places providing food, shelter, recreation and amusement." - RSMo 213.010 (16)
Although the Missouri Human Rights Act (MHRA) does not specify anything regarding this vaccine or any other vaccine, the legal definition of this term does include private businesses.  Of course, the MHRA was written well before the Covid pandemic, so it will be interesting to see how this plays out over time.

Any bets on how long it will take for someone to file a lawsuit?

The UPSIDE:  Government organizations cannot require you to get the Covid vaccine in order to access their services.

The DOWNSIDE:  Private businesses can require the vaccine and this provision does NOT apply to schools. School vaccine requirements is a topic of its own.  Thankfully though, in Missouri we do still have the ability to obtain a religious exemption if we don't want our children to have it.


New Lockdown Regulations for Missouri

Are the tyrannical lockdowns in Missouri coming to an end!?   

HB 271 was signed into law today by Governor Parson.   It includes one section regarding public health orders and one section pertaining to Covid vaccine passports.   

YAY!!   It's time to celebrate.... right?

Hang on a minute before you get too excited and think these things are a thing of the past here in Missouri, you need to be aware of a few things.

First of all, what the legislators are celebrating and calling an end to government overreach regarding lockdowns is NOT what you might think. 

The Lockdown Portion of the Bill Has Two Provisions

1.  If there IS a State of Emergency declared by the governor, the local government entities (called political subdivisions in the bill) can issue a lockdown for 30 days in a 180 day period.  It can be extended any  number of times with a simple majority vote by the governing body.

2.  If there is NOT a State of Emergency declared, the local government can issue a lockdown order for 21 days in a 180-day span and they can extend it any number of times with a vote of a 2/3 majority.

THE UPSIDE:  One person shouldn't be able to be in control of the lockdown situation for more than 21 or 30 days, depending if there's a declared State of Emergency or not.

THE DOWNSIDE:  They can still lock everything down for as long as they want, if the governing body votes to do it.

Therefore, it becomes crucial that you know who the members of your local governing bodies are.  

City council members, county health board members, county commissioners, mayors all have incredible power and these are positions that don't get talked about nearly as much as the state and federal level offices.  

Take the time to look into who your public servants are in these areas and get to know their points of view about these things, pay attention to the decisions they make and vote accordingly in the next election.

Help Put Schatz's Gas Tax On The Ballet & Keep Your Money In Your Pocket

The story of how Senator Schatz got the highest tax in Missouri history passed is a disgusting tale of the abuse of political power.

He created a ridiculous rebate plan in order to avoid The Hancock Amendment which has been in place since 1980. The Hancock Amendment requires all tax increases, especially significant ones, to be put on a ballot for Missourians to decide upon.

SB 262, Schatz's bill, includes the highest tax increase in history yet they avoided the ballot by requiring citizens to keep all their gas receipts and apply for a yearly rebate.  Seriously??  And these are the same legislators who are saying voter ID is too much for someone to acquire, but they expect every gas buying citizen to figure out a new rebate plan run by the Mo Department of Revenue.  What a joke!

So, in 2021, after a year of hell because of Covid and government restrictions, the Senate quit working before they could pass HB 1358 which would have protected EVERY Missourian from Covid exposure liability and ensured healthy people weren't quarantined but they sure did make sure that gas tax got through!  

Even though legislature passed the gas tax bill and we expect Governor Parson to sign it, THE PEOPLE can essentially take over at this point and force the tax to be placed on the ballot for a vote of the people. 

It's a process, but what we need right now is for every Missourian against this tax to submit a comment to the Secretary of State about a referendum that's been filed.   Tell them just what you think about it.  We need MASSES of people to comment and we only have until next Friday, May 28th.  

If you need help knowing what to say, please join our FB group where you can get all the details and personal help you need.

Please share this information with every Missourian you know who opposes this tax and the unscrupulous shenanigans of Senator Dave Schatz!! 


Popcorn in the Gallery, Please!

Missouri's 101st legislative session ended Friday, May 14th at 6:00pm.   Well, that was the plan at least.

The entire session was a bottleneck of bills and nearly nothing was accomplished other than the President Pro Tem of the Senate, Dave Schatz, bickering back and forth with the House Speaker, Rob Vescovo.   I'm sure there are details unknown to me but the biggest issue was the gas tax legislation, SB 262, that Schatz sponsored and wanted passed.  He was holding every bill the House passed for ransom until his tax was headed to Governor Parson's office.

The Second Amendment Protection Act (SAPA) had passed the House in February and sat idle for weeks in the Senate, waiting on Schatz to move on it.  SAPA did finally pass both sides of the Assembly, but not until the afternoon of Friday, May 14th, the very last day and nearly the last hour.

Prior to the final vote being cast for SAPA, the Senate literally walked out of the Senate chamber four hours early because the Democrat Senators were throwing a fit and filibustering.  They were upset over some abortion drug language in the FRA, Federal Reimbursement Act, which did not end up passing at all because they quit.  This little snafu means there will be a special session called so they can try to work out their squabble on the taxpayers' dime.

The drama actually started in the Senate in the wee hours of the morning Friday, sometime before 4:00am. I missed the first act.  They were supposed to reconvene around 10:00 am but they didn't show up until sometime after 11:00am when the filibuster began anew.  

If I hadn't been waiting for an important Covid liability & government overreach bill to be taken up on Friday, it would've been great entertainment had I only been able to have some popcorn and a soda.  It was quite a drama.  Senator Arthur should've had a tiara.  She was the Drama Queen of the morning!

Disappointingly, the show did not go on.  Schatz & Rowden and the rest of the Senate crew decided to call it quits four hours early and just leave.

That killed HB 1358, which would've protected healthy people from being quarantined, including our kids. It had already passed the House with bi-partisan support and we are nearly certain it would've passed and been on the Governor's desk.   It also had amazing protections for individuals and small businesses in regard to Covid exposure liability claims as well as a few other great things related to the spreading of contagious disease. 

When the House heard about the Senate quitting, the show resumed on the other side of the building.  The reps were furious!  As well they should have been and so was I.  The killing of HB 1358 left a clear path for SB 51 to pass, which is worse than Governor Cuomo's version of healthcare.

The day started with the Democrat Senators complaining about how they are being pushed around by the Speaker of the House and that THEY are the upper chamber so it was about time they started acting like it.  THEY are the ones who should be called in the shots, after all!    

And the day ended with the representatives in the House ranting about how they are the ones getting bullied, which has been the case for years!

It was as bad as listening to my young sons fight over who got more ice cream in their dish after dinner.

In this case, and IMHO, the House and the people of Missouri got robbed.

Oh there were lots of swamp creatures contributing to the theft, that's for sure.  Not just one is to blame.   That would be like blaming the loss of the basketball game on the player who missed the last free throw.  

What is identifiable is the serious abundance of RINOS in this Republican super-majority we have here in Missouri.  You'd think with a super majority and a Republican governor we might actually get something done.  But no.  Too many RINOS and too much lobbying going on for that.  

The democrats are actually thrilled!
I think it would be good to make a sign for the Capitol lawn,

"Capitol Wildlife Preserve.  
Missouri RINOS located here.  
No longer endangered." 

If you'd like to be part of an incredible group of citizens, RIGHT SIDE MOMS, as we start speaking up for liberty in Missouri, please sign up for our email list and join our FREE FB Group!

The Second Amendment Protection Act NEEDS YOUR HELP!

The Missouri House of Representatives pass a bill in February that would protect Missourian's 2nd Amendment Rights, but it hasn't gotten through the Senate yet.  It's very close and this session ends on Thursday.

Given the recent events in the White House, it's more important now than ever that these rights are secured and protected.

YOU CAN HELP by emailing the following Senators to make the requests listed.

1.  Email Senate President Pro Tem, Dave Schatz.  Dave.Schatz@senate.mo.gov 
2.  Email Senate Majority Floor Leader Caleb Rowden.  Caleb.Rowden@senate.mo.gov

Please urge these two senators to bring HB 85 out onto the Senate floor WITHOUT DELAY.

3.  This list of Republican senators need encouragement to vote according to the Republican platform and support our 2nd Amendment rights.

Please let these senators know how important your 2nd Amendment  rights are to you, especially given the attack on them from Washington recently.

If you would like to have email samples you can copy/paste/edit as you wish, please join our private FB group, Right Side Moms.   You'll find email examples in the  Announcements section.

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