The truth of these matters is that, over time, we have allowed secularists, humanists, atheists and infidels to pervert our Constitution into something our founding fathers never intended. This is also true of how our state is managed by we the people. We've gone from a republican government guided by a constitution to a regime of elites. We have less freedom with each passing year. Like a signpost to the coming reign of terror, the cancel culture is everywhere. We've traded the American Revolution for the Cultural Revolution.--Borrowed Comments!
Fewer people to pay off. It is also a technique applied by those who control cities and counties and municipalities. Easier and cheaper, to engineer the consolidation of responsibilities to one person, That is not power, The power is on the outside. The power is not in any public office or legislative chamber. Understand the difference between power and functionaires.
I am asking for you to vote NO on the HR11. We don't need one man rule in this country. Remember you were elected to represent the citizens of Missouri. Not to rubber stamp bills
What a novel concept to actually have individuals opinions be represented by someone of their choosing instead of having an outside lobbyist tell the speaker what the people need. Thereby having the speaker (in China they call them Chairman) choose who will force the states action upon the peon's - you've then streamlined the process of rule to the point that the ruled don't even have to waste time in voting. If you can't have ranked choice voting you might as well just go all in and have communism.
I and everyone I know is requesting a NO Vote on HR 11. And we /I demand a return to the older House Rules where we the people and those we elect have more of a say, not less!
No one position should have that kind of influence!
Vote NO on HR 11