holding kids hostage
Dean Plocher is the Speaker of the Missouri House of Representatives.
A more appropriate title might be "King of the House."
The Speaker controls EVERYTHING.
We've talked about the House Rules before and why this matters, but if you need a refresher take a look at this blog I wrote earlier.
Because the Speaker controls everything, including when bills come to the floor for debate, it gives the Speaker the ability to hold bills hostage until his personal priority bills are passed. Technically, it's the Majority Floor Leader who brings bills to the floor, but it's done so in this case only at the direction of the Speaker.
That's what is happening to The SAFE Act currently.
Dean Plocher is holding the safety of MISSOURI KIDS hostage because he wants his Initiative Petition (HJR 43) bill passed.
The IP bill = abortion & rank choice voting
Let's talk about what Dean wants. He wants HJR 43 passed in its current form.
That current form would do a couple of crappy things that conservative Missourians truly do not want.
- It would allow our Missouri constitution to be changed based on a 57% majority of the popular vote WHEN the ballot measure has been brought BY THE PEOPLE through the IP process. When ballot measures are brought through the legislature, they would pass with a simple majority of the popular vote - 50% + 1 vote. In essence, it elevates the legislature's ability to change the constitution over the people's ability. Can we say double standard??
- With either a 50% or a 57% majority requirement, STILL the urban voters of Kansas City, St Louis, Springfield & Columbia will override the rural voters across the state. THIS means that ABORTION & RANK CHOICE VOTING will be easy amendments to add, enshrining both into our constitution. You can probably expect those on your ballot in November of '24.
Dean Plocher wants this. This is his PRIORITY. Why?
Well that's a great question. He's running for Lt. Governor in '24 and I highly suspect his PAC will be getting generous donations from supporters of rank choice voting and possibly also Washington University - the abortion training ground in Missouri who happens to be represented by Missouri's largest lobbying firm. Time & MEC reports will tell.
plocher for lt governor? I think not!
what can you do?
1. Call & email Plocher. Tell him you want The SAFE ACT (SB 49) on the House floor NOW. It should've been done weeks ago. We have 4 days left of session and the bill needs to pass in the House without any amendments or changes. If the House passes the bill, it will be on its way to the Governor's desk.
Use your own words and fill the email & voicemail inboxes over and over. He likely won't see the emails but his staff is required to track them. Don't let them rest.
Email: dean.plocher@house.mo.gov
Phone: 573.751.1544
2. Call & email Jon Patterson, Majority Floor Leader. Give him the same message.
Phone: 573.751.0907