episode 2 - Arise & Build podcast
This blog is a list of resources and details related to Episode 2 of the Arise & Build podcast.
Episode 2 is the first in a series about making changes to our state constitution and the measures that you can expect to see on a ballot in 2024 - legalizing full term abortion and gun control.
I highly encourage you to check it out, subscribe and follow along!
map of ratification results in nov '22 - legalizing marijuana
This map shows the results of the Nov '22 election by county. You can see that only 13 counties out of 163 in the State of Missouri wanted to make this change. Because only a simple majority of popular vote is required for ratification, it passed.
2024 Ballot Measures
Issues we will see on the ballot in 2024 will be abortion & gun control. Missouri voters need to understand this issue and do the work it takes to bring and keep righteous statutes in Missouri.
I'll be explaining more of the specifics of these measures on future podcasts, so be sure to subscribe.
take action
1. Call & email the governor. Ask for a special session to pass Concurrent Majority Ratification. 573.751.3222
2. Call & email your representatives & senators. Ask for their support in a concurrent majority ratification resolution that would be based on House districts.
3. SUBSCRIBE & SHARE this information with your friends and family! Our Arise & Build podcast is on Apple podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts & other podcast platforms. Arise & Build Podcast
4. DO NOT sign ANY petitions that would enable ANY measures to be added to the Missouri ballot.
5. Vote NO on ANY change to the Missouri Constitution in 2024.