Eyes to see
I hope you've seen over time that I do my best to share truth as I see and experience it. The truth is, imho, that every legislator we have is a real human being and that means a mixture of wonderful attributes as well as those things that are being "refined." And make no mistake, God is refining us all and most days I feel like He's especially refining those of us who have been called to this government mountain.
If you or I were elected to these positions, we'd find ourselves in a world unlike any other we'd experienced before and faced with challenges at a level that would stretch and bend us in ways no one could expect. We'd all make mistakes, missteps and find ourselves regretting a vote now and then or wishing we'd done something differently.
I say that to reiterate that even when things happen I may not like or that would be perceived as negative, I'm especially trying to remember to see individuals in a way that reminds me they are first and foremost a creation of the Most High. Daily, sometimes hourly, I try to remember to pray for eyes to see what He sees and to walk in a manner that would bring honor to the One who called me to this place. But it isn't an "easy" place to be.
Confronting truth isn't always easy. But it is the truth that He says will set us free.
Love doesn't always feel like skipping through the tulips or dancing under the stars. Love sometimes looks like a deep dive into hard places to work on righting wrongs and setting things in right standing with the Lord. Facing problems isn't easy.
Fighting for freedom over tyranny isn't an fight that leaves one feeling as thought they've been to a spa. It often leaves you exhausted and on your knees begging for wisdom and discernment, praying and asking for clarity of what to say and how to say it, so that God can be glorified while we fight.
Unfortunately, tyranny is exactly what is happening in our Missouri legislature. Yesterday, it showed its ugly head on the Senate floor.
Senator Rick Brattin is the Senator from Cass. He stands at around the 20:40 mark and makes his motion to move to 2nd reading of SJR 28.
Senator Bill Eigel is Senator from the 23rd. He is the sponsor of the IP bill, SJR 83.
Senator Cindy O'Laughlin is Senator from Shelby and is the Majority Floor Leader, who adjourns.
Senator Mike Moon is Senator from Lawrence and can be heard after the motion to adjourn shouting in the background to be recognized, which he never was.
what can you do?
1. Call your Senator and ask him/her to vote to support the effort to go to Committee of the Whole & take up the Initiative Petition legislation.
2. Look up your senator contact information here: Legislator Look up Tool