Homeschools & Private Schools at Risk!

Episode 50 Show Notes

SB 727 - ESA & charter school expansion

  • requires homeschool students to enroll

Our homeschoolers do not currently have to enroll or register with the State.  Language in this bill would require it.  Homeschoolers do NOT want to be tracked and/or monitored by the State.   This langauge needs to be removed to protect homeschools from more government overreach.

  • giving DESE access to homeschool & private school data

They've touted the ESA program as being free from DESE and run by the Treasurer's office.  This bill gives DESE access in multiple areas to the process both through accessing test scores, family and student information and collaborating with the Board who governs the ESA program in regard to promulgating more rules.  DESE needs LESS influence, not more and ZERO influence in our homeschools and private schools.   

This is the door opening to give DESE license to influence rules and create requirements of our private schools and homeschools who are taking this government money.

take action

Call our conservative senators and express your feelings about SB 727.  We want this bill significantly amended or stopped altogether.

Senator Bill Eigel

Senator Rick Brattin

Senator Mike Moon

Senator Andrew Koenig, bill sponsor

Senator Denny Hoskins

Senator Ben Brown

Senator Jill Carter

Senator Nick Schroer

Senator Caleb Rowden

Senator Cindy O'Laughlin

1 Comment

  1. I talked to Senator Rick Brattins office and he said this info is not true. You should call his office and talk to them. He and his office assistant homeschooled their kids and are totally against govt oversight in it.

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