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  1. The problem with Missouri schools is we put way to much money in to education and we don't address the real issues. The real issues are out of control teachers and principals treating student and parents like crap under their shoes, no respect for students or parents but yet they have to respect teachers and principals. In your story you wrote incorrect information not surprise since you have a degree in education. 5 year olds in other words kindergarten kids aren't in school they don't have to go and schools don't have to offer it that is federal law so state law is invalid. You say republicans support DESE no they don't t they want to clean out DESE. DESE is ran like education 100% by Democrats and the l;iberal mindset. The biggest problem is discipline in school must go teachers and principals under federal law pass in Fenuary 2016 have no authority and all forms of discipline was ban in that huge education bill pass by congress and sign by Obama yet schools continue to discipline and for stuff that don't really matter except to them, it gives them a power control trip. also you say schools are mold and shape kids for their future such as behavior NO teachers and principals aren't train to deal with behavior their degree and license only allows them to teach academics which is the last thing they want to do. But you for the real driving force behind DESE the one telling them what to do is Missouri School board Association . Also local school boards are a major problem like now their cell phone bans which violaters federal law and first admendment to the U S Constiution. I love to debate this with yo. I hope you agree but i doubt you do schools continue to push parents out of their childrens lives. also Home schooling legal can't be goveren by the goverment that why parents went that way thy were sick of the system and want better for their kids. Plrase contact me i love to debate or discuss this you but i know you have the teacher mind set on this.

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