Jodi grace ministries has officially launched & stepped 'out of the boat!'
This past Saturday, we kicked off our ministry and the Awakening at The Wall event series in Jefferson City! We had a great turnout and enjoyed spending the day connecting to Jesus and each other.
We are excited about where God is taking us and what He is doing here in Missouri.
We had a pretty full house all day Saturday as we brought worship & ministry together with education on legislation and child exploitation in Missouri. Here is what a couple of our guests had to say...
I have only praise and for a "first time" Jodi Grace Ministries event, I thought it was excellent, informative, organized and with high quality speakers, music, and guests. Thank you for your hard work and focus, I am so very glad I was in attendance. - Portia C.
I am so happy I did not miss this. The information presented was informative and interesting. - Gary J.
I thoroughly enjoyed your event. It was uplifting and educational. You did such an amazing job!!! - Lisa E.
"what are these AWAKENING events, exactly?"
The simplest answer in a nutshell is that I am being obedient to what Holy Spirit has been asking me to do for months - gather the believers.
Why? To empower & equip Missourians who love the Lord.
If you want more specifics, here's a list of things you can expect from us:
1. Worship & Praise. Often, in Biblical times, when they were preparing for battle they sent worshippers out before hand. We are in a spiritual battle the likes of which we've never experienced before & it's imperative that we look up and offer up our worship and praise before we do anything else.
2. Prayer. We need people of prayer who are in right relationship with Jesus, who have been healed or are willing to be healed and are walking in personal spiritual freedom to rise up and be involved in government. When we gather, we will always create space for Holy Spirit to move and work in the hearts and lives of His people. HE is the answer & there are things only He can do no matter what topics we teach or speak on.
3. Biblical Message. Our feet are grounded in the Word & He's called us to bring a message of hope to counter the darkness we are bringing to light. Throughout the Awakening at The Wall events, we'll be focusing on the book of Nehemiah.
4. A Meal & Fellowship. We'll break bread together & connect in a personal way. One of our highest priorities is to build relationships with Believers across Missouri.
5. Education. One of our purposes is to empower Missourians with knowledge and information they can use to make a difference in Missouri government. We'll bring real, practical information to empower believers to be more informed voters and better equipped to steward freedom.
6. Building Community, Networking & Connecting. We need each other. We already have challenges as conservative Christians that we've never seen in this country before. Those challenges are likely going to escalate. We believe creative solutions will come as we are growing in relationship with Him and with each other. Our vision is to grow a trusted community where we can pray, share challenges, brainstorm solutions, work and serve together to build a spiritual "wall" around Missouri.
Are you having church?
My prayer is that we have AMAZING church every time we gather. However, we encourage our community members to stay engaged in their local churches and share educational information with like-minded Missourians there.
Is this a political meeting?
No. This is about God's heart for Missouri and local government. We inspire, educate & activate Missourians to be better stewards of liberty. We work to...
- Inspire through the Word & worship
- Educate on specific Missouri government issues
- Activate believers through building community & delivering simple action steps
Please join us!
September 9th in West Plains
November 4th in Independence
We are looking for venues in Nixa/Ozark, Poplar Bluff, Cape Girardeau, Farmington, St. Charles, and Belton. If you would like to help bring an event to any of those areas, please reach out and let us know.
We are also hosting Gatherings at The Table and speaking at meetings as requested.
Be sure to reach out to us if you're interested in scheduling an event.

are you ready for an awakening in missouri?
The 10 day countdown has begun!
I don't know about you, but I'm ready for an amazing move of God across our beautiful Show-Me State! I almost named this event series Show Me Your Glory, because I am longing to see His kingdom come here in Jefferson City and around the state. Instead, He directed me to the book of Nehemiah for a headline but my heart is crying out for Him to show us His glory through this season of worship and repentance.
I'm expecting God to show up in AMAZING ways throughout this series of live events across the state!
jodi, what are you doing?
I'm being asked this question a lot. Maybe you are wondering, too, so I figured maybe it was time to give you the scoop.
In a nutshell: I've told God I'll do whatever He tells me to do. Serious - whatever it is I'm doing it. We don't have time to play church or waste time anymore. The American "church" system is failing and we are on the brink of major shifts in our way of life. I'm of the opinion that Jesus could literally split the easter sky at any moment. I'm an all or nothing type and I'm ALL IN with Holy Spirit til this life of mine is over. I'm obeying the Holy Spirit and trusting that He knows what He's doing.
The Bigger Vision: God gave me a vision to build a community of Christ followers across the state for the purpose of inspiration, connection, education and activation in order to bring change to our culture and strengthen His remnant in Missouri.
What does that look like?
2023 - Jodi Grace ministries is born
After so much prayer, discussions, seeking counsel and confirmation, we have created and registered a faith-based 508 c1a non profit. Your donations are tax deductible. Our website is under construction, but you'll soon find more information at www.jodigrace.org.
Currently, we are working on a series of live events across Missouri and we'll be launching a private online community at our kickoff as well.
Awakening at The Wall Live Event Series
- Worship
- Repentance & Prayer
- Communion
- Fellowship
- Practical Education
- Connecting MO legislation to the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals
- Child Exploitation & Trafficking
The Sword & Trowel
- Private online community & equipping center
- Weekly Zooms for prayer & Bible study
- Prayer team
- Multiple vaults of practical education regarding current events and culture, including government
- Sharing resources & information
- Occasional gatherings in person
it's almost here!
We are kicking off this new season just 10 days from now!
Awakening at The Wall in Jefferson City is nearly sold out! If you want a seat, please grab one now - before they are gone!
great lineup in jefferson city
Not every Awakening at The Wall event will look the same, but I am super excited about our kickoff in Jefferson City! The people I'll be sharing the platform with are absolutely incredible and I know you'll be blessed by them.

- Worship with Kingdom Church St. Louis Jake & Heather Matheny are spirit-filled worshipers with a heart to serve by leading you into an experience with Holy Spirit. They have been traveling from St Louis to Jefferson City once a month since January to minister with worship in the Capitol and they were SO incredible and such a blessing. Their heart for revival is sincere. I can't wait for you to meet them!

- The Word -Yours truly will be bringing a message from the Lord. If you want to prepare, read the book of Nehemiah. Come expecting a move of God. We'll be opening an altar for prayer and the prayer team is expecting miracles!

- The UN Sustainable Development Goals & Missouri Legislation Review - Amy Fox (not pictured) & Lisa Pannett are Missouri powerhouses when it comes to the fighting the global agenda and Missouri legislation. They are both sold out believers who have been walking the Capitol halls for several years, fighting for freedom on your behalf. Amy will show you how the United Nations & World Economic Forum have accessed our state and local governments. Then Lisa will share the legislation that passed in '23 and how it relates to their global agenda.

- Child Exploitation & Trafficking Education - Katie Fetzer is a Spirit-led believer who has years of experience working with the courts and the foster care system. She's seen child exploitation in its worst forms and she has an incredible first hand knowledge of what child trafficking looks like here in Missouri. She founded a non-profit called the 10.18 Strategy and she's graciously agreed to spend her time with us on the 19th equipping us to fight this darkness on behalf of Missouri's most precious treasure - our children.

- Judy Lamborn will be sharing her personal testimony of the redeeming love of Christ. You'll be encouraged & filled with hope!

- Alex Manford leads a chapter of the Missouri Freedom Foundation in Cass County. She's grown an incredible group of local people there who are sharing information and resources to equip citizens to be more self sufficient. She also has a podcast on Rumble called Alex Unscripted.
register to save your seat in jefferson city
future events
We'll be hosting several Awakening at The Wall events this fall.
Be sure to follow the blog to stay updated on the details as they develop. Our biggest challenge is finding event space. If you know of anything in these areas or if you'd like for us to come to you, please let us know.
west plains - september 9th @ His place house of worship
independence - TBD
belton - tbd
cape girardeau - tbd
nixa or ozark - tbd
st. charles - tbd
farmington - tbd
poplar bluff - tbd

Obey right away!
I started this journey with God & the Missouri Capitol in the spring of 2021. I had NO idea what He was doing or what I was doing. I just got up every day and tried to do my best to listen to the Holy Spirit and obey.
When my sons were little, this phrase was our mantra, "Obey right away, all the way and with a good attitude every day!" We said it & sang it & clapped it & talked about it ALL. THE. TIME.
The lesson was that if they couldn't obey their dad and I - who stood right in front of them and spoke in clear English - then how would I know they could obey a still small whisper when the Holy Spirit spoke to them? That's how I want to live and it's how I want my sons to live - walking every step they take with the Lord.
With all my heart, I believe now more than ever that the Holy Spirit and our personal, intimate relationship with Him is the ONLY way we win. At anything. But especially in this war for freedom our nation and the State of Missouri is in.
Now, my goal is to do what I taught my sons, "Obey the Holy Spirit right away, all the way and with a good attitude every day." I don't always get it right. In fact, I OFTEN don't get it right. But I promise I'm trying.
gather the believers
In the spring of '21 when I was at the Capitol standing on the second level of the rotunda, He gave me a vision of a gathering of Believers across the State. I wasn't sure what it would look like exactly, but He planted a seed in my spirit that day.
A lot has happened since then and there's not room here to give you every detail,but it's time now to move forward. It's clear and He's been very consistent in His message to me to "gather the Believers," so that's what I'm going to do.
I believe we are gathering for multiple purposes.
We are gathering to seek Him FIRST in a way we've never done before.
We are gathering for worship, prayer, fellowship, testimonies and education.
We are gathering to lay hands on our sisters & brothers in Christ and pray for every piece of brokenness - whether in spirit, mind or body.
We are gathering to build relationships and to walk through whatever lies ahead hand in hand.
We are gathering to pick up our swords & our trowels. Our sword for supernatural power and wisdom & our trowel for getting the practical work done.
We'll be gathering regularly online as well as in person at events we'll host across the state.
jodi grace ministries is born
We created a faith-based nonprofit, Jodi Grace Ministries, to serve Missourians.
Our mission is to inspire, educate and empower Believers to seek FIRST the Kingdom and deeper relationship with Him so they can actively pursue the calling He has placed on their lives. We believe this will lead to a righteous cultural change in Missouri.
We are registered as a nonprofit and operating as a 508c1a, which means that all donations will be tax deductible.
If you appreciate the work I've done and will continue to do, and if you would like to join me from the ground up in cultivating change in Missouri, I'd love for you to partner with me!
awakening at the wall
We are incredibly excited about our first series of events which will kick off in Jefferson City on Saturday, August 19th!
Named for Nehemiah's wall building efforts around Jerusalem, we are calling all our wall building believers in Missouri to gather for great worship, the Word, prayer, fellowship and education.
The worship team is coming from Kingdom Church in St. Louis. You are going to LOVE them!
It's going to be a great day! Think of it like an annointed revival service with the addition of an afternoon full of practical education about what's actually happening here in Missouri.
Presentation topics in the afternoon will include a 2023 Legislation Recap & Human Trafficking right here at home.
Please plan on coming and joining me. You'll be inspired, educated and filled with hope!
Click the link below to see the schedule and get all the details. Then register & reserve your seat!
I can't wait to see you on the 19th!

the movie: Sound of freedom
I saw the movie Sound of Freedom this morning in Jefferson City. It's playing only for a few days, so I hope you'll find a showing in your area and go watch. It's worth a drive even if it's not playing in your town.
If you haven't heard about it, it's a movie that documents Tim Ballard's experience working as a federal agent catching pedophiles and then rescuing children from trafficking.
I knew it would be heavy. It was.
The little boy in the movie had dark skin, hair and eyes like my youngest son. Grant (my baby) is 12 now, but when he was younger he looked a lot like Miguel in the movie. I found myself thinking about my own boys throughout the movie. I'm sure you'll do the same and connect your own kids or grandkids to the story.
Human trafficking is a horrendous reality for millions of children as well as adults. And although the movie focused on children from far away lands, please make no mistake that it is happening more than we can fathom right here on our own soil. Right here in Missouri.
missouri foster care IS LOSING OUR KIDS!
When you walk into the movie with an awareness that the Missouri foster care system is LOSING kids and NO. ONE. is screaming about it, you leave with a heaviness that isn't easy to explain.
Yes. You read that right. Missouri is losing kids!
Kids in our foster are system are going missing at a rate that is so alarming it makes my stomach turn. ANY rate would be too many. But according to The Missouri Independent, a federal watchdog reported 1,780 kids went MISSING from Missouri's foster care system within TWO AND A HALF YEARS!!
How in the world does any one system lose nearly 2,000 children!?
And if they were missing, WHY IN THE WORLD wasn't someone screaming about it!? That's part of what makes me furious. Why isn't it in the news? Why aren't we hearing Amber Alerts, seeing social media posts or news casts about these kids?? And where are the PARENTS?!
I mean.. I know there are parental issues if they are in the custody of the State, but I can't imagine 1,780 Missouri moms just don't care about their kid gone MISSING.
Losing kids is bad enough, but this article published September 30, 2021, states they "...frequently failed to notify local and federal authorities they were missing."
ARE. YOU. KIDDING. ME!? Kids go missing and you don't report it!? This is Missouri's reality.
These bureaucrats, abusive foster parents & neglectful administrators of group homes need to be prosecuted!
"During the times in which the children were missing from care, Missouri frequently failed to comply with requirements that could have aided in locating them. Nearly half of the case files contained no evidence of Missouri reporting the children as missing, as required, to either local law enforcement or the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Additionally, for many missing children, there was no evidence that Missouri made the required notifications and contacts to seek information on the children’s potential whereabouts.?
Foster care isn't the only place kids are vulnerable to trafficking and I'm not claiming any one person or organization related to our foster care system is responsible or trafficking each one of these 1780 children. But this is a HUGE problem and I can't un-know it.
I got involved in politics in Missouri because I was worried about the future for my sons. I can't know these things about kids right here in Missouri and do nothing. I just cannot look the other way.
2023 Foster Care Legislation
Along with a brilliant friend of mine, I have reviewed every bill the legislature passed this session except the budget bills. I was surprised to find that the Missouri General Assembly actually passed legislation regarding missing foster kids.
SB 186 is an omnibus public safety bill and includes specific procedures that the children's division is supposed to follow when a child in foster care is missing. A couple screenshots are below, but the bill is too large to include all the foster care language here. If you are interested to read it, please click the link to the left to see the final version of the bill. You can click "Control + F" and type "foster" in the search box. It will take you to each place where foster care is mentioned.
This bill has been delivered to the governor but it has not been signed. I expect it will be, although I'm not pleased with everything in this piece of legislation. I'll be talking more about this bill in the future.
That said, the fact they passed this language for missing foster kids is an admission that they NEED it to be in place for the protection of our kids. They don't pass legislation for no reason.

Two Frustrations
The movie was well worth seeing, but I had two frustrations with it today.
1. I wish they'd made the focus of the movie American children. That wouldn't have been Tim Ballard's story, I understand. But the movie did not show even one American child being trafficked. I think it would make an even bigger impact on our culture if it had.
2. What now? They told a horrific story and highlighted this epidemic in our culture, and they didn't give any suggestions of actions you could take to make a difference. Education without activation is a waste.
This topic is one I've felt passionate about for a while, but honestly I haven't taken the time to dig in and find a way to be involved. A simple online search led me to lots of information and lists of ways to help fight trafficking. I'm going to share a few links with you here.
I'm praying about what, exactly, the Lord may want for me to do in this fight, specifically here in Missouri. I'll definitely be sharing when He gives me clarity.
At the very least, I'll be writing and sharing more here as I learn. So stay tuned & be sure to subscribe if you don't want to miss anything.
Deliver Fund is a non-profit org made up of former vets, law enforcement officers, Navy SEALS, CIA, FBI & NSA who are now working to fight human trafficking in the United States.

holding kids hostage
Dean Plocher is the Speaker of the Missouri House of Representatives.
A more appropriate title might be "King of the House."
The Speaker controls EVERYTHING.
We've talked about the House Rules before and why this matters, but if you need a refresher take a look at this blog I wrote earlier.
Because the Speaker controls everything, including when bills come to the floor for debate, it gives the Speaker the ability to hold bills hostage until his personal priority bills are passed. Technically, it's the Majority Floor Leader who brings bills to the floor, but it's done so in this case only at the direction of the Speaker.
That's what is happening to The SAFE Act currently.
Dean Plocher is holding the safety of MISSOURI KIDS hostage because he wants his Initiative Petition (HJR 43) bill passed.
The IP bill = abortion & rank choice voting
Let's talk about what Dean wants. He wants HJR 43 passed in its current form.
That current form would do a couple of crappy things that conservative Missourians truly do not want.
- It would allow our Missouri constitution to be changed based on a 57% majority of the popular vote WHEN the ballot measure has been brought BY THE PEOPLE through the IP process. When ballot measures are brought through the legislature, they would pass with a simple majority of the popular vote - 50% + 1 vote. In essence, it elevates the legislature's ability to change the constitution over the people's ability. Can we say double standard??
- With either a 50% or a 57% majority requirement, STILL the urban voters of Kansas City, St Louis, Springfield & Columbia will override the rural voters across the state. THIS means that ABORTION & RANK CHOICE VOTING will be easy amendments to add, enshrining both into our constitution. You can probably expect those on your ballot in November of '24.
Dean Plocher wants this. This is his PRIORITY. Why?
Well that's a great question. He's running for Lt. Governor in '24 and I highly suspect his PAC will be getting generous donations from supporters of rank choice voting and possibly also Washington University - the abortion training ground in Missouri who happens to be represented by Missouri's largest lobbying firm. Time & MEC reports will tell.
plocher for lt governor? I think not!
what can you do?
1. Call & email Plocher. Tell him you want The SAFE ACT (SB 49) on the House floor NOW. It should've been done weeks ago. We have 4 days left of session and the bill needs to pass in the House without any amendments or changes. If the House passes the bill, it will be on its way to the Governor's desk.
Use your own words and fill the email & voicemail inboxes over and over. He likely won't see the emails but his staff is required to track them. Don't let them rest.
Email: dean.plocher@house.mo.gov
Phone: 573.751.1544
2. Call & email Jon Patterson, Majority Floor Leader. Give him the same message.
Phone: 573.751.0907