The government is supposed to function by the consent of the governed.
It's pretty apparent by reading the Governor's response to his defeated nomination that he's not really used to that. It's sad, really. And it's mostly our own fault.
But we are righting our wrongs and waking up, taking our place and occupying the ground that always belonged to us. We won this week and we are just getting started!
We are now going to rally behind our Conservative Caucus to show our appreciation for their willingness to fight for individual liberty! The battle at hand this week is to keep our Republican seats in the United States Congress.
The Missouri Senate will take up a bill sponsored by Senator Mike Bernskoetter Monday at noon. The bill has already passed the House and it contains a map that most believe is a weak 6:2 map. 6 Republicans. 2 Democrats.
Since it's weak, though, it could easily turn into a 5:3 map and we'd lose a Republican US House seat.
It's being brought up for perfection which means we don't have much time to make necessary changes. If they amend it to match the House bill and pass it, it's a done deal. There's a 2/22/22 deadline, so they need to work fairly quickly and get it done especially if they want to make changes, which we definitely do!
What most conservatives would prefer is a fair 7:1 map where we would GAIN a Republican seat and this is what the caucus is standing for. We are going to rally behind them!!
let's win again!
calls to action
- Start TODAY! Call & email EVERY Republican Senator listed here. Call until their voicemail is full then start emailing and keep doing it. Recruit your conservative friends & family to join you!
- Express to them that you support a 7:1 map and that you have high expectations that, as a member of the Republican party, they would do the same. Otherwise, this vote will be remembered and talked about quite often prior to the next election.
- Jason Bean, Doug Beck, Mike Bernskoetter, Justin Brown, Mike Cierpiot, Sandy Crawford, Karla Eslinger, Elaine Gannon, Dan Hegeman, Lincoln Hough, Tony Luetkemeyer, Cindy O'Laughlin, Holly Rehder, Jeannie Riddle, Caleb Rowden, Dave Schatz, Bill White, Paul Wieland.
- Email addresses follow this template: FirstName.LastName@Senate.Mo.Gov
missouri map rally Monday, february 7th
We are supposed to be governed only by CONSENT of the governed! The checks and balances in our system include the legislative branch, where We The People have opportunity not only to vote on our officials but to participate in the process of law making and other duties assigned. So that's what we are going to do!
Come join us to pray, hear some of our favorite office holders & then support our Conservative Caucus by being in the gallery when they take up the map bill and/or meeting with various senators throughout the afternoon. Here's the schedule.
10:00 am Prayer Walk. We'll pray together then divide into groups and walk the Senate halls to pray for each Senator or you can find a quiet place to sit and pray in the building.
11:00 am Guest Speakers. They are some of our favorites & we're excited to hear from them!
12:00 pm Senate Gallery for start of session and then we'll meet with various senators throughout the afternoon in small groups.
We'll break around 11:30 for lunch. Feel free to bring something from home or you can grab something in the cafe downstairs.
You'll have a seat throughout the day. No standing for hours this time! You'll walk to the 2nd floor where we'll have tables and chairs waiting for you just outside room 208.
If you haven't been to the Capitol before, you can reference this blog article with all the tips and tricks for parking, where to get a cup of coffee, etc.
parking info tips & tricks
See you soon!!
Jan Peck
Will make the necessary calls and emails
God Bless!