hate mail
It has surely been an interesting week! I can't say that I was completely unaware of what would be said about the upcoming rally to support The SAFE Act but it's not easy to see the headlines or to read the hate mail, either.
I don't like talking to the press. You always know it's not going to be written like you said it and there's nothing you can do about it. Whether you believe it or not, I am not anti-trans nor is anyone else associated with this rally that I'm aware of. In fact, I've grown to have more compassion for them than ever before.
I still support The SAFE Act.
The hate mail coming through does cause me to pause and consider the possibility for a crowd to be at the Capitol Monday who oppose our position or might be there to cause trouble. This spurred me to write today in an effort to be very clear.
this is a peaceful gathering
If you are planning on coming Monday, PLEASE come with a peaceful, enjoyable day in mind.
I do NOT condone ANY disruptive, aggressive or violent behavior whatsoever.
The purpose and intent of this rally is to:
- Support & encourage our senators who have taken a stand in support of this bill
- Gather with like-minded Missourians for worship, fellowship, learning & participating in Missouri government
- Respectfully let our legislators know our wishes regarding The SAFE Act.
capitol police 573.751.2764
I've been at every trans related hearing this session to observe.
The group of people that show up from the LGBTQ community are not what I'd call respectful to those of us who don't agree with them. I've been called names, shouted at, and told the blood of innocent children committing suicide is on my hands. It has not been a pleasant experience. Please prepare yourself for the possibility.
If this type of thing happens to you while you are here, please do not respond at all. Walk away.
If you...
- sense tensions rising with people around you in a way that is concerning
- feel uncomfortable or unsafe because of someone's behavior
- see someone acting in a way that is aggressive or suspicious
- are concerned for someone's safety or feel uneasy in any way
- are provoked by someone & they won't leave you alone
PLEASE reach out to Capitol Police at 573.751.2764.
Capitol Police is always present inside the Capitol building and there are always officers very near, especially during our time in the rotunda.
in the gallery
I hope you'll stay with us to watch the Senate "drama" unfold, whatever that turns out to be. The Senate Gallery is located on the 4th floor. Please download and print this Capitol Map if you'd like.
Gallery Rules
- No food or drinks
- No hats
- Feet off of rails and backs of chairs
- Be quiet & respectful. Talk kept to a minimum & at a whisper
- Cell phones on silent
Remember that we are uniting on Monday to stand together to protect kids. The focus Monday is the KIDS. They come FIRST.
We are locking arms - gays, trans, christians, agnostics, catholics, black, white, brown, etc. This doesn't happen often and I'm proud to be hosting an event where we can put our differences aside and focus on common ground.