1. Was glad to see your endorsements. United for Principled Politics agrees with you! Every one you listed in red, we concur! You have 3 types of good people running there on your list: 1) those who have a PROPER Republican voting record, just as you mentioned; 2) candidates we sat down with, looked in their eyes, and asked them as many tough questions as we could think of; and 3) candidates already known to us as rock stars who have been in the grassroots trenches for a long time! KUDOS, Jodi!
  2. Mary Cremer Cremer  07/08/2022 03:49 AM Central
    Thank you Jodi. You are correct. In order to get good legislation passed, we need a body of people upholding the conservative, constitutional platform. These primaries are so important. Some races will be decided on Aug 2.

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