God is good all the time!

The democrats are filibustering the Constitution Ratification (aka I.P.) bill, which is holding up all action in the senate.  They started yesterday around 4:00pm or so and have continued on through the night. So far as I can tell, they are still going strong.  

I pray that bill passes, but I also welcome the opportunity for other conversations to be had in order to flesh out the junk from other bills that would otherwise be passing.  Great conversations are being had both in public and in private to bring awareness and light to potential problems with the education legislation that is "on deck" in the Senate.

the battle must be won at the ballot box

Like I said, I pray this bill passes but REGARDLESS whether it does or does not, the specific battle to protect our Missouri Constitution from not only abortion but also the transitioning of our kids - possibly even without parental consent - MUST be won at the ballot box!   The legislature cannot and will not be able to galvanize the constitution in order to keep those changes from occurring.  

Followers of Jesus MUST do it.   I'll be sharing more & more information - so please stay tuned & be preparing to share it with your circle of influence.

The solution is in 3 words:   PRAY.  FAST.  STAND.

eSA & charter school bill - sb 727

This school choice bill is a big problem and it's on the Senate calendar for perfection.  That means it could come up for debate at any moment and you need to know about it.  I'm explaining more on the podcast - so be sure to listen!  
Here's a few quick bullet points:

  • The ESAs in Missouri are set up for the money to flow through a digital system called Class Wallet.   This program uses block chain technology and is a data mining problem.  This feeds into the digital finance goals of the United Nations and the World Economic Forum, through initiatives such as the 2030 Agenda.
  • Funneling government money to parents does NOT come without strings.  Period.   If you think it does... you might be interested to know that even the private schools who take the federal milk money are required to comply with Title 9 requirements. 
  • School Choice money you might receive is NOT your property tax money.  It's the government's dollars the moment you give it to them.
  • The ESA Missouri already has actually requires homeschool PARENTS to do a background check and give their kiddo the MAP test in order to take those funds.  The funds can be spent only on approved vendors through the Class Wallet system.   Do you think you will always have faith-based options on that approved vendor list?   The state giving you a select choice of curriculum vendors to use is NOT free choice.
  • Charters have NO elected school board.  Is this what you want the state to be paying for?  Taxation without representation?  No, thank you!
  • This bill has other problems that includes the incentivizing of educating illegal immigrants. 
  • SB 727 is Senator Andrew Koenig's bill.  I've been part of conversations with Senator Koenig that started a couple of years ago.  Although he's a homeschool dad and part of the Freedom Caucus, which I love, he has been unwilling to budge on these issues.  What I find with the conservatives is that they are so frustrated with the state of public schools they want to do something to help.  I commend that and I agree that public schools are in big trouble.  But I don't believe school choice is the answer.   
  • Bill Gates is a big fan of school choice.  Big red flag there!

Check out what the homeschool curriculum company Classical Conversation has to say:

Shout out to James Holderman for finding these Gates-related resources.   I'm thankful to have friends who have come alongside us and help us find the details - the needles in the haystacks, so to speak.  Thanks, James!


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