If you are planning to join us for our election integrity workday at the Capitol on Thursday, January 6th, the most important thing to remember is that you need to take advantage of your opportunity to talk with legislators. Please make time to connect with your own senator and representative in addition to others.
Building a positive relationship with your legislators is a priceless asset and will help you personally as well as our collective efforts.
I know this can seem daunting if you've never participated in this way, but I've got some great information for you to help you out!
how it works
- Find your legislator's office using the directory and map you got at the information desk on the 1st floor near the rotunda.
- It is a good idea to call their office to see if you can schedule a meeting. You'll be sure to see them if you have an appointment. If you don't have an appointment or don't call, it's ok. Go ahead and walk in.
- Walk right in the office, even if the door is closed. Seriously. Don't knock - just go in! They expect you to.
- Walk in with a smile and say, "I'd like to talk to Representative _____, please. Is he in?" If he is, most likely you'll be shuttled to his office or he'll come out to see you. If he's not, ask when you would be able to see him while you are in the building.
- Smile, shake hands and introduce yourself with confidence! They are all going to be very nice to you. They'll act happy to see you, be all smiles and listen to what you have to say.
- He'll probably ask if you are a constituent or who you are with. If you're not a constituent, let him know that you are a concerned citizen.
- Ask how he feels about Missouri elections.
- Download the document below and use it as a guide if you need help with talking points.
If you need help throughout the day, please don't hesitate to reach out! I'll be there all day and I want to help make your experience enjoyable and productive.
helpful downloads
This flyer (front & back) was created by Keith Carmichael. Use it for ideas for talking points, email or give it to legislators, share it with others, etc.
2020 Election Fact Sheet with sources
10:00 am - Capitol Rotunda
Welcome, Prayer, National Anthem
Keith Carmichael
State Speakers
11:00 am - Meet Your Legislators
12:00 Noon - Lunch on your own
1:00 pm - Capitol Rotunda
Guest Speaker: Dr. Frank