If you feel passionate about the boys in girl's sports issue, PLEASE use your voice and participate in working toward a solution. And I'll go ahead and say this, if you aren't going to participate and use your voice when you can, then stop complaining.
This government was created BY the People, FOR the People. That means THE PEOPLE ...YOU...NEED to participate!
what to do
The senate hearing is TOMORROW, 1/31/23, at 10:00 am. There are a couple of ways you can express your thoughts on these issues.
My personal recommendation is to SUPPORT Senator Jill Carter's SB 165 and SUPPORT Senator Mike Moon's SB 48. OPPOSE Holly Rehder's bill, SB 39. You can read overviews or the full text of those bills if you look at my previous blog article.
1. Call and email the committee members.
Leave a voice mail if no one answers. Let them know which bills you support and oppose.
Emerging Issues Committee Members
Justin Brown, Chair 573-751-5713. justin.brown@senate.mo.gov
Mike Moon, Vice Chair. 573-751-1480. mike.moon@senate.mo.gov
Elaine Gannon. 573-751-4008. elaine.gannon@senate.mo.gov
Andrew Koenig. 573-751-5568. andrew.koenig@senate.mo.gov
Nick Schroer. 573-751-1282. nick.schroer@senate.mo.gov
Tracy McCreery. 573-751-9762. tracy.mccreery@senate.mo.gov
Greg Razer. 573-751-6607. greg.razer@senate.mo.gov
2. Submit Online Testimony For SB 165 & SB 48
Click on the link here if you'd like to support one of these bills. These two are the only ones I have links for. If you choose to support the others, you'll need to call and email the committee.