RINO Justin Brown votes for Boys to Play Girls Sports & More (Pt 1)

RINO Justin Brown votes for Boys to Play  Girls Sports & More    (Pt 1)

why not senator justin brown?

Let's keep it simple, because there's a lot of info and it's easy to get overwhelmed.  We'll keep it in list form and number the blogs so you won't miss anything.

1.  he votes with democrats 85% of the time.

Check out this scorecard.  We tracked 21 votes over 2 years.  Out of those 21 votes, he only upheld the Republican platform 3 times.  You can download the scorecard and print it out if you'd like to see the details more clearly. 

In this scorecard, every senator listed is a Republican.   Red circles represent a vote that upheld the Republican platform and blue circles are votes that did not.  The blue circles are votes that show how the RINOS & Democrat Senators voted.  Remember, though, no democrats are actually listed on the chart.  

The important thing to see is how many blue votes there are overall from our Republican senators and how many blue votes Justin had.  There are two red arrows pointing to Justin's line on the chart which is also highlighted in yellow.

If you have questions about specific votes, I'm happy to answer those for you.  Shoot me an email at jodi@mofreedomfoundation.com and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. 

Download the PDF here:  MOFF 21.22 Scorecard (2).pdf

2.  twice in 2022, he opposed protecting our girls!

I want to highlight 2 votes in particular that were taken this year and explain them.  There is a LOT of spinning going on and you deserve to know the TRUTH.

Senate Amendment 2 to Senate Bill 672. You can see this vote in the first column of the dark pink section.  

SB 672 was called the Fast Track bill.  It funded a higher education program related to workforce development. On February 15, 2022,  Amendment 2 was offered by Senator Mike Moon.  It said that any institution taking these funds would be required to protect their female athletes by BANNING boys from playing in women's sports at their institution IF they wanted to take those government funds.    

How would you want them to vote?  I wanted them to PASS that amendment and protect our girls.  It would've only been a start, but starting is better than nothing. 

Instead of passing the amendment, they chose to kill it.  They voted to "lay it over" which meant that the amendment died.  What the RINOS want you to believe is that they didn't vote on the amendment and it was all about procedure.  They say the amendment language needed to go through committee first so they didn't want to vote on it on the floor. 

RINOS say, "I didn't vote against it.  I voted to lay it over so it could be vetted in a committee." 

You can see how many voted to table/kill the amendment (blue votes) and how many voted for the amendment to move forward (red votes).  Justin voted with the RINOS and the democrats.  The Conservative Caucus wanted the amendment to pass, which would have offered protection for girls attending those specific schools.  

SB 718.  The Save Women's Sports Act.  This vote is the 19th column of votes, 3rd from the end.

On May 11, what turned out to be the last day of session for the senate, Senator Moon again offered up The Save Women's Sports Act as an amendment to SB 718.

This was nearly 3 full months after the first vote on February 15th.  They had PLENTY of time to "vet" the language.  But did they?  NO.

Bless Senator Moon's heart, he tried again to pass the language that would protect our girls.  And AGAIN, most of the Republicans voted with the democrats to leave our girls unprotected and at risk.

But check out Justin's vote.  He was ABSENT.   That doesn't mean he was sick.  It means he was at the Capitol that day, he was working but he CHOSE NOT TO VOTE.   You'll hear people refer to this as "they took a walk" meaning they walked out when it was time to vote.

Why would he choose NOT to vote at all??  Because by May 11th, he knew he was being primaried and he didn't want to be held accountable for a NO.   He understands what most of you do not - Senate rules.  And the rules say they can abstain from voting if they choose even though it gets recorded as "Absent."   IF you bother to look up the vote you'd assume he just wasn't there because it's listed as "Absent."

This vote is upsetting because not only did he NOT protect the girls, he purposefully tried to weasel out of any chance he'd be held accountable at the polls.  The RINOS aren't happy that the Conservative Caucus required so many roll call votes this year.  Roll call votes mean you can see how they voted.  They'd much rather take a simple voice vote so their personal votes aren't recorded in the journal.

Let's get back on track.... the important thing is TWICE in 2022, Justin Brown FAILED to protect our Missouri daughters and granddaughters.  He voted (or abstained) in a way that KEEPS boys playing in girls sports! 

The bottom line is that this issue was NOT a priority to Justin or any of the other Senate RINOS. It was ONLY a priority to the Conservative Caucus.

They DID pass a giant education bill and even then they did not "vet" the women's sports language so they could add it OR any CRT ban.  They played nice with the leftists to get a Christmas tree bill across that line that actually did more harm than good and included NO PROTECTION for our children!

Missouri Senate Showdowns

Missouri Senate Showdowns
There is no doubt that the Missouri Senate, specifically Missouri's Republican Senators, are at war.   It's quite a tale to tell and the current primary campaign season has added another ring under the Senate Circus tent.  We are down to 26 days to the primary and things are heating up here in the Show Me State.

There's so much campaign clowning around and illusion performances going on it's hard to tell what is real and what isn't, but make no mistake this is not fun and games.  

I've been inside the Capitol for two sessions now, tracking legislation, votes and keeping tabs on conservative issues.  I've gotten to know leaders of grassroots organizations around the state as well as legislators in both chambers.  Although every issue has multiple sides, in most cases this really isn't rocket science.  Either our Republican legislators are consistently voting according to the platform they ran on - or they aren't.

The Republican Primary on August 2nd is THE place where we let the politicians and the GOP know what we think!

From now until then, I hope to share some information on a few of these elections before you go to the polls.  Be sure to follow and forward to your friends across Missouri!! 

Every even numbered MO Senate District is up for re-election this year.  The maps did change, so it's likely your district is a little or a lot different than it has been before.  Here's the new map.

Find your county on the map then zoom in to see the district number.  If you live in an even numbered district, you NEED to VOTE AUGUST 2ND!!

If you're not interested in the inside scoop but want to cut to the chase of who is a RINO and who isn't, here ya go.  

My personal endorsements are in red.  I believe these to be true conservative choices who have already upheld the Republican platform with their votes as an elected official or they have pledged to do so.

If I could vote in all these races, the names in red are who I would choose.

District 2 -  NICK SCHROER v John Wiemann
District 4 - Mary Theresa McLean, unopposed
District 6 -  SCOTT RIEDEL v Mike Bernskoetter
District 8 - JOE NICOLA v Rachel Aguirre v Mike Cierpoit
District 10 - BRYAN SPENCER v Joshua Price v Travis Fitzwater
District 12 - J EGGLESTON v Rusty Black v Delus Johnson 
District 14 - No Republican on the ballot
District 16 - SUZIE POLLOCK v Justin Brown
District 18 - Cindy O'Laughlin, unopposed
District 20 - CURTIS TRENT v Brian Gelner
District 22 - MARY ELIZABETH COLEMAN v Dan Shaul v Shane Roden v Jeff Roorda
District 24 - George Hruza v Brett Schenck
District 26 - BEN BROWN v Nate Tate v Bob Jones v Mary-Noella Skaggs v Jason Franklin
District 28 - JAN ARNOLD v Sandy Crawford v Bill Yarberry
District 30 - ANGELA ROMINE v Lincoln Hough
District 32 - JILL CARTER v Bill White
District 34 - Tony Luetkemeyer, unopposed

Stay tuned to learn more about a few of these races!

Is the RightPath PAC on the Right or Coming After the Right?

Is the RightPath PAC on the Right or Coming After the Right?
Pick me!  Pick me!  This is an easy one!

The RightPath PAC is coming after those of us on the right.  Period.  Let's talk about who they are and why they would do such a thing.  Then we can visit about who will be taking their money.

who are they?

PAC contributors are Washington University board members, past board members, alum and other woke players in big business.  Their common ground, really, is a love for Wash U.  Sounds sweet doesn't it?  They've got that good 'ole school spirit.  

Yeah, well...  what they are really most concerned about is Wash U finances and the University's ability to continue its woke research and programming.  

Contributors to RightPath PAC include names like:
  • Sandy Loewentheil.  She's a WU trustee, retired and lives in the New York.  She received her bachelor's degree at a university in China, Tainjin Foreign Studies University and her MBA at University of CA in San Fransisco.  She was one of the first big donors in February.  $50,000.00
  • George Bauer is a very successful Wash U alum.  He lives out of state now, but he's on the Board of Trustees at Wash U and has chosen to give back to his home state in this way.  His donation this month was $200,000. He's quite philanthropic.
  • Blackford Brauer who pitched in $200,000 and his company, Hunter Engineering donated another $200,000.  His dad was a trustee.
The list goes on with these large donations, but I'll leave it at that.  

The point is, these donors are NOT pro-life.  They are NOT conservative.  

Writing a check for $200,000 for these guys is similar to me writing a check for $20.  What you'll see is a husband donating the limit, the wife donating the limit as well as their company donating the limit.  They can also donate to the PAC and then again to campaign committees directly.  It adds up to enormous amounts of money very quickly.

what do they want?

Short answer:  They want Missouri senators that will vote for the policies Wash U wants.  Those things would be primarily pro-abortion and things like embryonic stem cell research among other left leaning issues. 

Washington university priorities

Did you know that Wash U is using aborted babies for research?  You probably did, but I think it's easy to forget and push things like that to the very back corners of our minds.   Their research definitely includes embryonic stem cell research but who knows what else.  

Did you know Wash U trains abortion doctors?   Common sense would tell you the only real training ground for them is probably the only abortion clinic in Missouri, Planned Parenthood, which is located nearby Wash U.  Interesting, huh?

Now think about that.   Here we've got a university doing research on aborted fetuses for who knows what purposes, but definitely including stem cell research.  And yes, good things can come from those findings, I know.  But how do you really feel about benefiting from elective abortions?  

Sit with that for a few minutes before you just dismiss it and move on because it's too uncomfortable to think about.

The consequence of the use of fetal tissue from elective abortions is desensitization of beneficiaries to the original illicit act of abortion thereby obscuring the value of all human life and potentially leading to scandal - The Linacre Quarterly
At any rate, Wash U is training abortion doctors and using aborted babies in their research.  If I were a university doing those things, I'd probably send my interns to that nearby clinic for educational purposes.  I'd probably check into the possibilities of being able to procure "research materials" from there, also.  That would be an easy procurement and a great source of quality "specimens" wouldn't it?  I don't have any idea where they get their babies to research, but it seems like that would be a logical relationship I'd want to build if I were Wash U.

Although the details of that relationship will likely never be completely known by the likes of you and I, Wash U and the RightPath PAC are most certainly and without question pro-abortion.  They are neck deep in research that requires aborted babies to function as well as training abortion doctors. They have a vested financial interest in both embryonic stem cell research and the continuation of abortion here in Missouri.

whoever takes that money is going to vote pro-Wash u

Keep your eyes open, folks! 

The senators & candidates who are taking RightPath money are going to be voting pro-Washington University which means pro-abortion and pro-left leaning policy.

You can bet on it.  

The quarterly MEC reports will be out in April.  I'll be sure to give you an update about who's on the receiving end.  

You need to vote accordingly in August!


Opening Week - Election Integrity

Opening Week -  Election Integrity
If you are planning to join us for our election integrity workday at the Capitol on Thursday, January 6th, the most important thing to remember is that you need to take advantage of your opportunity to talk with legislators.  Please make time to connect with your own senator and representative in addition to others.

Building a positive relationship with your legislators is a priceless asset and will help you personally as well as our collective efforts.

I know this can seem daunting if you've never participated in this way, but I've got some great information for you to help you out!

how it works

  • Find your legislator's office using the directory and map you got at the information desk on the 1st floor near the rotunda.
  • It is a good idea to call their office to see if you can schedule a meeting.  You'll be sure to see them if you have an appointment.  If you don't have an appointment or don't call, it's ok.  Go ahead and walk in.
  • Walk right in the office, even if the door is closed.  Seriously.  Don't knock - just go in!  They expect you to.
  • Walk in with a smile and say, "I'd like to talk to Representative _____, please.  Is he in?"  If he is, most likely you'll be shuttled to his office or he'll come out to see you.  If he's not, ask when you would be able to see him while you are in the building.
  • Smile, shake hands and introduce yourself with confidence!  They are all going to be very nice to you.  They'll act happy to see you, be all smiles and listen to what you have to say.
  • He'll probably ask if you are a constituent or who you are with.  If you're not a constituent, let him know that you are a concerned citizen.
  • Ask how he feels about Missouri elections.
  • Download the document below and use it as a guide if you need help with talking points.
If you need help throughout the day, please don't hesitate to reach out!  I'll be there all day and I want to help make your experience enjoyable and productive.

helpful downloads

This flyer (front & back) was created by Keith Carmichael.  Use it for ideas for talking points, email or give it to legislators, share it with others, etc.

2020 Election Fact Sheet with sources


10:00 am  - Capitol Rotunda
Welcome, Prayer, National Anthem
Keith Carmichael
State Speakers

11:00 am - Meet Your Legislators

12:00 Noon - Lunch on your own

1:00 pm - Capitol Rotunda
Guest Speaker:  Dr. Frank

parking info, tips and tricks

Do You Believe Elections in Missouri Are Secure?

Do You Believe Elections in Missouri Are Secure?
Are you confident our elections in Missouri are secure?  I'm not.

To some degree we all know elections cannot be fool-proof.  Humans are in charge and there will be a margin of error.  I understand.   However, in this super-cyber world we live in today, election security is much more complex than it has been in years past.  

In fact, just this week a hospital in our area was the victim of a ransom attack.  The ENTIRE hospital system - all the data, all the personal patient information, even the phone lines weren't working right - it's been hijacked and is being held for ransom.  This is the world we live in today.  A world where cyber ATTACKS are happening daily.  

Are we to believe it couldn't happen to our election system?  Or that it hasn't happened already?  Let's not be so naïve.

But, there's GOOD NEWS!! 

There is a group of citizens in Missouri who are working to keep our elections here as safe and secure as possible. 

I highly recommend taking the time to watch this presentation by Keith Carmichael on Missouri election integrity to learn about what's happening here in Missouri and how you can help.  


I know there are so many big issues going on today.  But think about this...

If we don't have secure elections, how do we keep mandates from happening in the future?

If we don't have secure elections, how do we work to keep our school boards in check?

If we don't have secure elections, how do we keep the REALLY bad guys from taking over?    And if they know they stole the election once, they'll keep stealing to keep their power.

If we don't have secure elections, WE LOSE EVERYTHING.

call to action

1. Unite with other Missouri patriots for prayer on our first monthly prayer Zoom!  Our legislative session is starting next week and we are excited to see what God is going to do.  We have MUCH to be thankful for and MUCH to protect!

It's easy to join! 
Download the Zoom app & click "Join a Meeting"
The Meeting ID is: 837 2367 8031
Passcode: MMOGA

Date:  Sunday, January 2nd
Time:  7:30 pm Central

2. Please watch the presentation!  Learn how Missouri elections are at risk & what you can do to help secure them.

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