let the senators know!
If the senators don't know what we want, its OUR FAULT for not telling them.
Between today and the time the final vote comes in, we need to be reaching out to every Republican senator who is not already committed to vote no.
Priority 1. Email - email is sunshineable.
Priority 2. Call - Fill up the answering machines.
what do i say?
Keep it simple and straight forward. It's super easy. Here's an example.
Hello Senator. My name is Jodi and I live in ______ county. I'm calling today to express my opposition to the confirmation of Donald Kauerauf. He has been on the team in Illinois that implemented vaccine passports, a plethora of covid lockdown and mandate measures, he's in opposition to Judge Green's ruling regarding our constitutional rights and he's a proponent of test-to-stay in K-12 schools. I do NOT want Missouri to be anything like Illinois! Please vote no at every opportunity.
who do i call and email?
All the Republican senators listed in the directory linked below. Phone numbers are included in the directory. Their email address follow this template: firstname.lastname@senate.mo.gov

I'll give you even more details about Kauerauf (DK), but the immediate issue you need to realize is..
this could be the turning point for missouri.
If DK gets into this position, Missouri is most likely going to follow closely in the footsteps of Illinois.
You can look forward to.. MORE MANDATES, VACCINE PASSPORTS, more shots being added to our kid's school requirement list, testing kids to stay in school, and the list goes on!
what can we do?
The simple answer...pray & show up!
Be the representation of THE PEOPLE of Missouri by showing up at the Senate hearing. Here are all the details. There's a lot going on and we understand it's last minute.
You are free to participate in part or all of these activities. We are trusting God is going to lead you to the battle He's asking you to fight - whether you battle in prayer or in protest or both!
Please do share all this information with those you know who would be in opposition to this confirmation.
IMPORTANT: Things like scheduling can change very suddenly with issues like this. Please sign up for text updates if you'd like to be notified of any changes or updates. We don't want you to drive all the way and rearrange your day if Senator Schatz would get a wild hair and reschedule.
monday, january 31st @ the capitol
10:00 am - Prayer Walk. Gather in the rotunda.
11:30 am - Lunch in the cafe' in the capitol or bring your own.
12:30 pm - We'll gather in the rotunda for introductions & instructions.
1:00 pm - Mobilize.
2:00 pm - Attend Senate confirmation hearing
4:00 pm - Support our freedom loving senators from the Senate gallery.
Please come for everything your schedule allows!

These posts are being broken into a series in order to help keep information organized and digestible. Please accept my apologies now for the amount of information that is coming your way in such a short time frame.
who is kauerauf?
Donald Kauerauf is Governor Parson's pick for Director of the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services. And it's a HORRIBLE choice!
Mr. Kauerauf (pronounced kuh-ruff and referred to hereafter as DK) hails from the state of Illinois, where tyranny & corruption reign! Here's a few bullet points you might find on his resume.
- 30 years in public health
- Illinois Terrorism Task Force chairman throughout Covid crisis
- Deputy to the Illinois Governor's Homeland Security Advisor
- Policy Advisor to the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Director
- Asst. Director of Illinois Dept of Public Health, 2016-2018
So, DK has a lot of experience advising and assisting high officials in Illinois.
Red Flag #1 - Illinois. That should be enough to cause some pause. Illinois. The home of crime & corruption. Gun restrictions. Crazy taxes. And some of the worst, most restrictive Covid lockdown measures in the nation. I've never heard one Missourian say they really wished they lived in a place like Illinois!
DK is married to Judy who, like Anthony Fauci's wife, is also involved in public health. Judy is the Communicable Disease Section Chief at the Illinois Department of Health.
What has Judy has been up to these last several months? I'm so glad you asked!
She's been busy with a company called Shield T3 setting up a pilot program at the University of Illinois. Shield T3 has served those college students by helping them implement a "Do-To-Do" program. This is behavioral training where you are required to DO something in order to be allowed TO DO something else.
Here's one example: Be vaccinated or test twice a week in order to GET TO... go to the school library, workout at the school gym, go to the ballgame, eat in the restaurant, go to class, etc etc.
shield t3 & their vaccine passport information
This Shield T3 Powerpoint Presentation gives you all the scoop about how this system worked for the University of Illinois and what their plans are moving forward. The University was a pilot program. Biden wants it rolled out across the nation.
Shield T3 provides a phone app where all your health information is downloaded, it provides nearly instant tracing services (let's call it TRACKING), and it literally gives you access or denies access to what most would call daily activities.
The real name for this is VACCINE PASSPORT.
Red Flag #2. DK's wife is highly connected with public health and has worked to implement vaccine passports in IL colleges as well as "Test to Stay" programs in K-12 districts across the state of Illinois.
In fact, DK has already stated that he is IN FAVOR of these types of programs here in Missouri!
Red Flag #3 - The timeline. There's more, but here's a critical snippet.
- June 25, 2021. Shield incorporates in Missouri and prepares to do business.
- July 2021. Governor Parson appoints DK to Director of DHSS
This is really the tip of the iceberg. For now, I'm leaving you with a few links to some investigating for yourself.
The next blog article will give you details about what you can do to try to prevent this man from taking a permanent place in our public health system.
employers who mandate should be liable
HB 1692 is sponsored by Mitch Boggs and requires employers who require the vaccine be held liable for any injury that would occur as a result. It does provide an option for employers to be covered by insurance for the loss.
The method of coverage is somewhat unclear and needs to be determined. We feel it would not be beneficial for the victim to be covered under workman's comp and the insurance provision could possibly lead to unintended consequences related to insurance requirements or costs to small businesses.
We believe Representative Boggs will work to perfect the bill with conservative values in mind and, therefore we support this bill. We believe the risk to employees is great and this issue needs to be addressed and employee health should be protected when the decision to take the vaccine has been due to an employer requirement.
action item
1. Submit testimony online in support of the bill and express your concern regarding the insurance clause.
Be sure the appropriate box is checked for HB 1692 and that you are SUPPORTING the bill.
THis bill needs more co-sponsors
take action
1. If you don't know who your representative is or you need contact information, use this online look up tool.
2. Look on the Bill Page using the link above. Click on the Co-Sponsor tab. Look for your representative listed. If your rep is already listed, you need to take no further action.
3. If your rep is not listed as a co-sponsor, please call and/or send an email to request they add their name to the co-sponsor list.
I'd like to request that you co-sponsor HB2009, sponsored by Suzie Pollock, to help support parental rights in regard to our children's healthcare.