Senator Ben Brown's SJR 30, a resolution that would add a ban of rank choice voting to our ballot, has a hearing at 2:00 pm in the Senate Local Government and Elections Committee.
This bill also includes additional provisions to help improve election security such as enshrining in statute that only US citizens can vote in MO elections. It strengthens requirements on what kind of machines can be used and ensures permanent paper records for each vote are kept and preserved for use in any future election audit.
Multiple democrat groups are expected to show up and strongly oppose the bill. We need as much support as we can get to be physically present in the room!
If you believe in preserving the integrity of our elections please share this information and consider coming to the Capitol Monday to testify. Unfortunately, the Senate has decided they will not be accepting online witness forms.
call to action
1. Come to the Capitol Monday to testify if you are able.
Time: 2:00 pm
Place: Senate Committee Room 2
Plan to arrive around 1:00 pm. Doors will open at 1:30 pm
If you need help with information regarding your visit to Jefferson City, please reach out. I'm here to help!
2. Call and Email each of the committee members and express your SUPPORT of SJR 30. Ask for a yes vote and any other support they are able to give.
Senator Elaine Gannon, Chair - elaine.gannon@senate.mo.gov 573.751.4008
Senator Sandy Crawford, Vice Chair - sandy.crawfod@senate.mo.gov. 573.751.8793
Senator Jill Carter - jill.carter@senate.mo.gov. 573.751.2173
Senator Mary Elizabeth Coleman - maryelizabeth.coleman@senate.mo.gov 573.751.1492
Senator Andrew Koenig - andrew.koenig@senate.mo.gov. 573.751.5568
Senator John Rizzo - john.rizzo@senate.mo.gov. 573.751.3074
Senator Barbara Washington - barbara.washington@senate.mo.gov. 573.751.3158